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You have now assessed the health of your organization and can highlight areas of improvement… 1 answer below »

You have now assessed the health of your organization and can highlight areas of improvement based on your environmental scan. You also have data analytics that substantiates your environmental scan results.Additionally, you have served as a change agent or consultant. While leading your CIT through several meetings, you have applied the problem-solving tools and methodologies. The CIT was selected from the available options for improvement or change; you have initiated these and analyzed the data.The fundamental questions the team is being asked by the organization, and team-members are asking themselves are: Have you made a difference? Will those changes make things better or worse? How do you know this? What does the data reveal? And the inquisition continues.This is a good time to take a step back and reassess your problem-solving tools and methodologies. Have you applied them correctly or as intended? Have you re-examined the data you have reviewed countless times from a different perspective?Are you sure you looked both upstream and downstream in the process, and have you examined what changes others may have to endure as a consequence of your change efforts? Experience shows that it is important to review the collateral impacts of any new changes in the process may have in the existing process.You have re-evaluated your concerns, and even though you are not absolutely certain (can you ever be?), much to your delight… the team is right!Now your task is to have faith in yourself, the team, and the data to convince others that your recommendations are in the best interest of the organization, the internal/external suppliers/customers it serves.One last thought from experience, the organization may elect not to implement changes you ‘know’ to be right. There are forces in play which for reasons unknown or explained to you choose to ignore your hard work. Logic and rationale do not always win out. Take heart, have the confidence to look for the next problem to solve or change an opportunity.Write an analysis in which you address the following: Examine two to three areas for improvement based on the environmental scan that you completed on your organization. Document, in detail, the implementation of the improvements you will recommend to your senior leadership. Assess and explain whether the KPIs you selected substantiate or refute the environmental scan results. Briefly analyze your role as a change agent or consultant, providing examples of success or failures you have experienced. Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages & 3 scholarly resources w/in last 5 years

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