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You are to prepare a type-written (minimum of five pages) reaction/reflection paperhighlighting: Wha

You are to prepare a type-written (minimum of five pages) reaction/reflection paperhighlighting: What personal leadership strengths have you discovered in your selfassessment activities (What do you agree with and consider leadershipstrengths?) How do you plan on further developing your leadership strengths throughapplication activities and continued professional development? Need an abstract, introduction, strengths and takeaway from course,weaknesses and goals, goal setting and conclusionFollowing is the rubric:Clear introduction, conclusion and consistent, logical section headings and formatDemonstrates strong self awareness and thoroughly discusses personal leadershipstrengths and continued development using frequent references to the text appropriatelyError free grammar, spelling, in-text citation and references to the textCourse Overview During this course you will examine and apply theories of leadership. The focus is ondetermining effective leadership styles and strategies to influence and coordinate theefforts of work team members and organizations. Additionally, through completion ofapplication activities, you’ll assess your personal leadership styles and preferences

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