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Writing a literature review on a scientific topic (mine is the Game Theory), need to include:… 1 answer below »

Writing a literature review on a scientific topic (mine is the Game Theory), need to include:Informative and original title (included in word count).Abstract (up to 100 words and is included in word count).Five or six keywords that do not appear in the title (included in word count).Introduction (included in word count).Main text with sub-headings (included in word count).A discussion of the material presented (if not integrated under the subheadings) (included in word count).Conclusion (included in word count).Reference list (not included in word count).Figures, tables and their captions (not included in word count).Should cite at least 15 articles published in scientific journals, at 10 of those must be peer-reviewed primary scientific articles.The word limit is strictly 2000 words.The Turnitin similarity must be under 10%.Game theory is a mathematical discipline that uses models of cooperation and conflict to analyse interdependent (rational and/or intelligent) decision-making by all parties involved. Initially, game theory was used to assess zero-sum games, but has now become the field used to describe logical decision-making within all disciplines of science, industry, economics and politics. This is an applied mathematics topic. In this topic, students may choose to focus on the mathematics behind different game types (e.g. combinatorial games), forms (e.g. characteristic function form), and/or the application of game theory to scientific problems. You should not focus on how game theory is used in non-scientific applications.
Note: If you have selected the advanced mathematics topic you will receive an exemption to the dates on your literature. This is because many articles published on the topic may be older than 2014. There are two caveats:
1. Use the most recent literature possible when describing the mathematics behind the theorem.
2. If you are applying this to fields such as artificial intelligence, information technology, decision analysis etc where there is current literature (2014+) then you should be using the most recent literature to support your writing not heavily depending on older literature.

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