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Write a memo to your boss saying that you will be out of town two days next week and three days the following week for one of the following reasons:

Write a memo to your boss saying that you will be out of town two days next week and three days the following week for one of the following reasons:
(a) to inspect some land your firm is thinking of buying
(b) to look at some new office space for a branch your firm is thinking of opening in a city 500 miles away.

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Read page 59 to page 68 before writing. Please be sure to retain the memo format in your revision.
Please use these link before you start to write a business formal memo:
Upwrite Press, “The Key Forms of Business Writing: Basic Memo,”

Purdue Owl, “Memos” (follow the links in the opening paragraph)
University of Maryland Global Campus, Effective Writing Center, “How to Write the Perfect Memo”
Ashford University, “Writing a Business Memo”
Colorado State University, WAC Clearinghouse, “Business Memos”
Please use these link before you start to write a business formal memo:
Upwrite Press, “The Key Forms of Business Writing: Basic Memo,”

Purdue Owl, “Memos” (follow the links in the opening paragraph)
University of Maryland Global Campus, Effective Writing Center, “How to Write the Perfect Memo”
Ashford University, “Writing a Business Memo”
Colorado State University, WAC Clearinghouse, “Business Memos”
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video The Key Forms of Business Writing: Basic MemoThe Key Forms of Business Writing: Basic Memo

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