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Homework Assignment 1Part IIWhen uploading to Gradescope, please ensure the filename is main.rkt, otherwise yourassignment will get 0 points.1. (5 points) In Part I.(a) (1.5 points) In Part I.(b) (3.5 points) In Part I.2. (2 points) In Part I.3. (7 points) Your goal is to implement a Binary Search Tree (BST) in Racket, as we learned in Lecture 3(user data-structures).To this end, you will need to implement the constructor and selectors of each field, as well as the operationto insert a node in the BST. Please use the function names declared in the homework assignmenttemplate, as otherwise you will get 0 points in this assignment.The following code is a Java implementation of binary tree taken from the Wikipedia page on BST’s1.class Tree {Tree left, right;float value;Tree(Tree left, float value, Tree right) {this.left = left;this.value = value;this.right = right;}Tree setLeft(Tree left) { return new Tree(left, this.value, this.right); }Tree setValue(float value) { return new Tree(this.left, value, this.right); }Tree setRight(Tree right) { return new Tree(this.left, this.value, right); }static Tree insert(Tree node, float value) {if (node == null) {return new Tree(null, value, null);}if (value == node.value) {return node.setValue(value);}if (valuereturn node.setLeft(insert(node.left, value));}return node.setRight(insert(node.right, value));}}4. (9 points) Your goal is to check if a datum is syntactically valid, with respect to the specification we introducedin Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.Recall function quote from Lecture 3. This function produces a logical representation of the code givenas parameter. The serialized code that results from quote is known as a datum, or a quoted term. Inthe following exercises, the quoted term shall not include boolean expressions and conditionals. A quotedexpression will include numbers, define, lambda, and function application.For the sake of simplicity, there is no need to recursively check the syntactic validity (eg, you do not needto check the if the body of a lambda is syntactically valid). For instance, given a lambda are the parameterssymbols? Does the body of a lambda has expected number datums as we discussed in class? You do notneed to check the semantic validity of the datum (eg, check if a variable is defined).1 (3 points) Function lambda? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term isa lambda.(check-true (lambda? (quote (lambda (x) x))))(check-false (lambda? (quote 3)))You can check if a datum is a list of symbols with a combination of functions symbol?2 and andmap:3(check-true (andmap symbol? (quote (x y z))))(check-false (andmap symbol? (quote (x 3 z))))(b) (1 point) Function lambda-params takes a quoted lambda and returns the list of parameters (symbols)of the given function declaration.(check-equal? (list ’x) (lambda-params (quote (lambda (x) y))))(c) (1 point) Function lambda-body takes a quoted lambda and returns a list of terms of the given lambda.(check-equal? (list ’y) (lambda-body (quote (lambda (x) y))))(d) (1 point) Function apply? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is afunction application.(check-false (apply? (quote (lambda (x) x))))(check-true (apply? (quote (x y))))(e) (1 point) Function apply-func takes a quoted function application expression and returns the functionbeing called.(check-equal? ’x (apply-func (quote (x y))))(f) (1 point) Function apply-args takes a quoted function application expression and should return thearguments (expressions) of the function being called.(check-equal? (list ’y) (apply-args (quote (x y))))(g) (0.2 points) Function define? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted termis a define.(check-true (define? (quote (define x 3))))(h) (1 point) Function define-basic? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quotedterm is a basic definition, according the specification in Lecture 2.(check-true (define-basic? (quote (define x 3))))(i) (2.8 points) Function define-func? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quotedterm is a function definition, according to the specification in Lecture 2.(check-true (define-func? (quote (define (x) 3))))2 2

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