throughout this course, you will be learning about ideas, culture, and the arts as they relate to humanities. Understanding humanities through the arts, beliefs, customs, practices, values, and behaviors is an essential part of this course. By attending cultural events or experiencing them through available forms of media, you will be able to experience the diverse offerings of culture and artistic expression found in various communities. Experiencing cultural events outside of the classroom will broaden your horizons and allow you to gain unique insight into your own community as well as a broader global perspective of our world’s diverse cultures.After selecting and experiencing a cultural event, you will write a four-page paper that relates it to what you have learned about ideas, culture, and the arts in humanities. You are strongly encouraged to attend a cultural event in person, but if you are unable to do so, you may experience an event through available forms of media, such as a learning-based television program or Internet video. (It is important to see and hear the event, so please do not simply read an article about it!)What is the definition of a cultural event?Cultural events include performances or displays of artistic expression. Cultural events may also include customs or religious ceremonies (marriages, rites of passage). You should seek an event representing a culture different from your own. Listed below are some examples, and if you are in doubt about whether the event will be suitable, please consult with your faculty member.Here are some examples of cultural events with questions to help guide you through the evaluation process. Please choose one of them for your paper. Remember, this is a formal paper, so do not list the questions in your paper. Use appropriate transitions while writing in APA format and include APA documented research.Visit an art museum and choose one exhibit or one piece that you enjoyIdentify the exhibit or piece you have chosen. What is it? How did you “experience” it? Did you attend in person or watch it online?What era is represented? Is it Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, etc.? You can learn more about these eras and find more to choose from at: (Links to an external site.)What is the origin of this artistic movement? What was the culture in that area like at that time? Consider the ideas, beliefs, and practices of the people.Consider the historical context, the events or opinions that surrounded the origination of the event. Do you think it reflects the culture of that time, or was it trying to change the way people thought or behaved?Has the art influenced other forms of art?Find another artistic event that was happening in another part of the world at the same time as this art movement and discuss the differences or similarities in terms of the art and the cultural element surrounding it.If you have attended this event, would you like to go back? If you watched a video, would you like to attend it one day? What is it about this event that appeals to you?Choose a cultural celebration you have attended (either in person or online) in its own setting, such as Carnival in Rio de Janiero or The Hogbetsotso Festival in Ghana.What is the celebration you attended? How did you “experience” it? Did you attend in person or watch it online?How does this celebration reflect the culture of origin? Explain the overall culture, the ideas, beliefs, and practices of the people. When did this celebration first begin? Why is it practiced? Has the cultural event changed since it began?Present a different cultural celebration that serves a similar purpose in another part of the world. Do the cultural celebrations have similarities in presentation (dancing, singing, decorations)? Explain how they are similar and how they differ.Is it possible the two cultures have influenced one another?If you have attended this event, would you like to go back? If you watched a video, would you like to attend it one day? What is it about this event that appeals to you?Attend (in person or online) a religious ritual of a culture that differs from your own. If you practice Christianity, for example, experience a ritual preformed by another religion, such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, or Taoism.Identify the religious ritual you attended. How did you “experience” it? Did you attend in person or watch it online?Describe the ritual and explain how it reflects the culture of origin. Consider the ideas, beliefs, and practices of the people.What is a brief history of this ritual? Has the cultural event changed since it began? Have modern ideas influenced how this ritual is practiced? Explain what may have been the one or more events that influenced this change? Has the ritual influenced similar rituals practiced by other cultures? Has it been influenced by other cultures?Identify one other ritual with similar intent from another part of the world. (If you chose a wedding, for example, choose another wedding for comparison.) What similarities does this religious ritual have to the ritual in another part of the world? Provide an example and explain how they are similar and how they differ.If you have attended this event, would you like to go back? If you watched a video instead of attending in person, would you like to attend it one day? What is it about this event that appeals to you?Experience a form of classical entertainment that is representative of a particular culture and holds meaning for that culture because of the ideas and beliefs it conveys. The type of entertainment you should look for will reflect a specific culture and have historical meaning, such as flamenco dancing, sitar concert, opera, or bagpipe performance.Identify the form of entertainment. How did you “experience” it? Did you attend in person or watch it online?Describe the entertainment as it reflects the culture of origin. Consider the ideas, beliefs, and practices of the people.What is the history of this entertainment? Consider the historical context, the events or opinions that surrounded the origination of this form of entertainment and the era in which it began. Has the cultural event changed since it began?Has this form of entertainment been influenced by other cultures? If so, explain. Has this form of entertainment influenced other cultures? If so, explain.What similarities does this form of entertainment have to another form of entertainment with similar historical significance in another part of the world? Provide an example and explain how they are similar and how they differ.