COPYRIGHT DECLARATIONIn terms of the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, no part of this material may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, published, redistributed, screened orused in any form without prior written permission from UNISA. Where materials have beenused from other sources, permission must be obtained from the original source.1. INTRODUCTIONWelcome to the Programme in Basic-, Intermediate- and Advanced Project Managementat UNISA. I trust that you will not only enjoy the programme, but also that you will find ituseful with regard to your work.2. SYLLABUSThe syllabi for this programme and the module are specified hereunder.2.1 Programme in Basic-, Intermediate- and Advanced Project Management:The Programme consists of the following twelve (12) modules:Semester 1 registration period 1: (Part 1)• The Project Management Framework ( Module code: DAPM01M)• Strategic Project Management (Module code: DAPM02N)• Project Management for Development and Upliftment (Module code: DAPM03P)• Project Management Processes (Module code: DAPM04Q)• Project Time Management (Module code: DAPM05R)• Project Human Resources Management (Module code: DAPM07T)Semester 2 registration period 2: (Part 2)• Project Cost Management (Module code: DAPM08U)• Project Procurement Management (Module code: DAPM09V)• Project Risk Management (Module code: DAPM10N)• Project Quality Management (Module code: DAPM11P)• Project Communications Management (Module code: DAPM12Q)• Information Technology for Project Management (Module code: DAPM06S)2.2 Information Technology for Project ManagementThis module consists of 2 study units:• Introduction to MS Project 2007• Building your plan, track and manage your project