Please elaborate as much as possible! Explain and have clear detail. Use empirical data and scholarly articles. APA format. Graduate Level. (3- 4) pages should suite just fine considering answer length.
Assignment Three
Please copy the question before answering it (Question-Answer)
Q1- Discuss the vulnerability of older adults in the USA in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, gender, and socioeconomic status. Discuss EACH of these factors to describe how these factors make the availability of optimum health care and caregiving more difficult for certain categories of elderly population in America. Please write a response that reflects your critical thinking skills at a graduate level. Provide, at least, three scholarly references with complete citations. at the end of your response (not at the end of the assignment). You will be graded on how relevant and clearly written your responses are and do they actually address the question.
(a) Race and Ethnicity (make sure to differentiate between the two in your response)
(b) Religion
(c) Marital status
(d) Socioeconomic status
(e) Gender
Q2- Based on your responses to Ques 1 above, discuss two ways in which marginalized older adults can be helped to find the services they need the most. You will be graded on how realistic and feasible are the solutions suggested by you. Can they actually be implemented? Explain as clearly as possible but limit each response to 100-150 words. A word-limit will help you write a focused response. (5 points)
You will be graded on:
1. Your ability to write responses that address the question directly, relevantly, and clearly without writing any unnecessary information (especially, the questions with a minimum and maximum word count).
2. Your ability to provide valid scholarly library-based references (that I can access)
3. Relevancy of your references to the question (did you refer to material that actually helped you answer the question or did you randomly write down a reference)
4. Quality of your responses (including quality of your writing).
Use for sources:
Professor wants sources to be found from here all scholarly articles and peer reviewed articles PLEASEEE!!!
Go to the above link
Username: 30059420
Password: 0397
This will allow you to access of many of the sources that could be needed for the paper to assist in fully answering the question.
Title: Ethnogeriatrics: Healthcare Needs of Diverse Populations Editors: Cummings-Vaughn, Lenise, Cruz-Oliver, Dulce M. (Eds.) Published by Springer Publishers
Publication date: 2017
Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-16557-8 e-Book ISBN 978-3-319-16558-5
Module info:
In this module, students will be able to:
Identify different criteria of diversity
Discuss the impact of immigration and diversity on aging issues
Describe the biosocial and biocultural impact of diversity
Helpful links :
Ethnicity, Race and Aging
Click link to open resource.
Bridging Gaps: The Vital Role of Cultural Competence in Healthcare
Click link to open resource.
Required Reading: Chapter Three
This chapter discusses the biosocial, biocultural, and bioethnic impact of diversity on health care services. It discusses different criteria of diversity and the implications of each criterion.
Assignment is to be turned into me on time please. Again thank
You so much for helping me out and I look forward to this marvelous work. Please let me know if you need anything. Also scholarly articles are heavily encouraged; honestly, majority of the articles should be peer reviewed, journals, scholarly, and can be found on the information I provided with the JSTOR application. Please use to help your research.
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