Week 4 Assignment Visual Interpretation
This assignment is another opportunity to complete part of your final assignment: the peer review. In this assignment you will be discussing and visually representing your knowledge of data collection tools in the action research proposal process. This assignment supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 3.
Instructions This assignment is your chance to get creative. There are two parts to this assignment.
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In your paper,
Part One:Using a visual tool such as Smore or EDraw Max, create a visual with the following:
· Types (4 points): Depicts the different types of qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.
Part Two:Provide a separate document that includes the following:
· Characteristics (2 points): In one page discuss each type of data collection, paying attention to the characteristics of each type (accuracy, credibility, dependability, validity, and reliability).
· Report Out (2 points): Skim your action research report, chosen in Week Two, for the types of data used. Describe in at least one page the different types of data chosen and report out on the findings.
The Visual Interpretation Assignment
· Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
· Must include a separate title page with the following:
· Title of Visual Interpretation
· Student’s name
· Course name and number
· Instructor’s name
· Date submitted
· Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
· The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
· Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit your document no later than Day 7.
The MAED and MASE programs provide the opportunity for you to create an online portfolio that can be used in your career development and professional practice. Throughout your respective program you will have various assessments that can be included in this e-portfolio, and these will be finalized in the final capstone course, Capstone 2: Culminating Project, EDU696. You may select this assignment and subsequent coursework to include as work samples. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged you save your coursework on a flash-drive (e.g., a USB removable drive) or store in a cloud-based option such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or other similar applications.
Success Tip: Be mindful of the Week Six Final Project. The Week Six project involves conducting a mock peer review. Preparation for this assignment must begin early to make certain you are planning ahead and saving your work. Review the full instructions for the week six assignment for specific information.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Top of Form
Learning Outcomes
This week students will:
1. Explain the impact of action research has had on specific populations.
2. Analyze proposed action research intervention/innovation for purpose, value, and appropriateness.
Welcome to Week Four of EDU694! You are half way through this course – keep up the good work and dedication to your learning! Week Four requires you to review the Framework for 21st Century Learning (Links to an external site.) as it relates to skills in the classroom that promote rigorous instructional and learning opportunities for learner cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and/or physical development. Also, this week you are going to get your creativity flowing by creating a visual representation of action research data collection techniques for the assignment.
In preparation for this week’s activities, review the course textbook and the weekly assignments so that you have a global understanding of the expectations and pacing. It is suggested that the resources shared in this week be saved in your “link library” to be used for reference later in the class, future course work, and professional practice.
Please be sure to take about an hour to review this week’s Instructor Guidance. There you will find a wealth of useful information that will supplement your understanding as you progress through the week’s discussions and assignments. This document can also be used as a scholarly reference in this week’s assignments. If additional guidance is needed, please access the Ask Your Instructor section of your course.
It is important to note that the Instructor Guidance has been developed to directly compliment the learning outcomes in each week of this course. As in any course, the Instructor Guidance supports the required texts and other readings but does not replace it. For your continued success in this program, it is highly recommended that you are prepared for each week’s instruction by accessing all of the available resources.
Required Resources
Mertler, C. A. (2017). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (5th ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/
· Chapter 5: Collecting Data
Web Page
Framework for 21st Century Learning (Links to an external site.). (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework
· This website provides a comprehensive review of 21st-century teaching and learning and combines a focus on student outcomes with support systems that help students master skills they will need in the 21st century. This resource will be used to support your work on the discussions this week (i.e., Diversity Through 21st-Century Teaching and Learning) and this week’s assignment (i.e. Visual Interpretation).
· Accessibility Statement does not exist.
· Privacy Policy does not exist.
Recommended Resources
Edraw Max Pro (Links to an external site.). (https://www.edrawsoft.com/EDrawMax.php)
· A web based tool, Edraw Max enables students, teachers, and business professionals to reliably create and publish various kinds of diagrams to represent any ideas. This resource will be used to support your work on the discussions this week’s assignment (i.e. Visual Interpretation).
· Accessibility Statement does not exist.
· Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Smore (Links to an external site.). (https://www.smore.com/)
· A web-based tool to help create newsletters and flyers. This resource will be used to support your work on the discussions this week’s assignment (i.e. Visual Interpretation).
· Accessibility Statement does not exist.
· Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Welcome to Week Four of EDU 694: Capstone 1: Educational Research. Please be sure to review the Week Four homepage for this course to see:
· The specific learning outcomes for the week
· The schedule overview
· The required and recommended resources
· The introduction to the week
· A listing of the assessments
Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page.
In Week Three, you continued discussing and identifying the cycle of Action Research and how research applies to ethics. This week you will look at how Action Research can have an impact on 21st century teaching and learning as well as create a visual representation on the different types research data collection.
Intellectual Elaboration
Thinkstock Image # 65341841 (Links to an external site.)
21st Century Teaching and Learning
It will help if before we discuss diversity if you reflect on your knowledge about 21st Century Teaching and Learning skills. Although Week One focuses on 21st Century Skills, the other significant focus is on diversity in the school context. The overarching question for the week is: How do we apply these 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills to assist diverse students?
After viewing the two videos recommended below, you will explain how 21st century teaching and learning skills are applicable to both teacher and student. While watching the videos, ask yourself what you already use in the classroom to support 21st century teaching and learning and what more you could do to ensure students are obtaining the skills they need for future learning. Review this video from Teknolojileri (2013) (Links to an external site.) discussing 21st century skills in approximately two minutes. Specifically, Teknolojileri discusses the skills of creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, media literacy, information literacy, and problem solving for students, which are a part of the 21st century teaching and learning plan.
Next, review this approximately three minute video from Knowledge Delivery Systems (2013) (Links to an external site.) that explores the fundamentals of 21st Century Skills and what they mean to the practice of educators.
Diversity and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
The contemporary classroom requires teachers to educate students from a variety of backgrounds, including culture, language, and learning abilities (Gollnick & Chinn, 2002). Therefore, as these increasing numbers of students from diverse backgrounds populate 21st century classrooms in the United States, the need for pedagogical appropriate lessons that are also culturally responsive is magnified. Culturally responsive and pedagogically appropriate lessons are important to create because when diverse students come together in a classroom, students’ thoughts expressed verbally, graphically or in writing reveal a wealth of information about each student’s thinking. Furthermore, through exposure to the diversity of classmates, students tend to expand their thinking skills and move away from linear thinking patterns toward thinking about their world and their learning outside of their culture and previous education experiences. On this point, view the George (2011) (Links to an external site.) video, which is about three minutes in length, discussing how innovation occurs when diverse minds collaborate. As you watch the video, think about 21st Century Teaching and Learning and consider: How has the school shown in the video, incorporated 21 Century Teaching and Learning to include diversity in the classroom and school? Consider sharing your thoughts on the video as part of your discussions responses this week or start a conversation in our Ashford Café!
Next, consider how diversity, as it relates to balanced achievement, is a primary goal of every school. Yet, recall that diversity is only one aspect of a complex phenomenon. If we dive deeper into our learning of diversity, you will remember that culturally responsible pedagogy is a deeper aspect of learning and teaching with diverse student populations. Lynch (2011) describes culturally responsive pedagogy as a style of teaching that facilitates and supports the achievement of all students. In a culturally responsive classroom, effective teaching and learning occur in a culturally supported, learner-centered context, whereby the strengths students bring to school are identified, nurtured, and utilized to promote student achievement (Lynch, 2011, para. 3). Culturally responsive pedagogy comprises of three dimensions: (a) institutional, (b) personal, and (c) instructional. The institutional dimension reflects the administration and its policies and values. The personal and instructional dimension refers to the cognitive and emotional processes teachers must engage in to become culturally responsive (Ladson-Billings, 2012, p.65).
Research Methodologies: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Research methodologies, like salt and pepper, or peanut butter and jelly, come in two distinct, recognizable, metaphorical flavors: Qualitative (Links to an external site.) and Quantitative (Links to an external site.). Each comes with its own ideas and philosophies, strengths and weaknesses, proponents and detractors, heroes and knaves. The purpose of this Guidance is to outline these two types of methodologies and provide links to additional information. Qualitative Research Qualitative research emerged in the last half of the 20th century as a counterpoint to quantitative methodologies. Qualitative research is:
· Non-Numeric—It is concerned with written description, rather numerical analysis;
· Inductive—Research questions emerge from the collected data;
· Social—It is concerned with people in social situations;
· Field Research Oriented—The research is conducted on-site, in the field where the social situation is taking place;
· Observational—Data is collected largely through observations of the actions of others;
· Participatory—The researcher is often a participant in the events he/she is observing/recording/researching; and
· Coded—Coding (Links to an external site.) is the chief analysis tool used by qualitative researchers.
Methods used by qualitative researchers include:
· Action Research (Links to an external site.)—A “learning by doing” approach to research (O’Brien, 1998, para 3);
· Case Studies (Links to an external site.)—A focused study on a single case (individual or group) in a specific setting;
· Ethnographies (Links to an external site.)—Often conducted by participant observers;
· Interviews (Links to an external site.)—Often seeks to find the story behind a particular set of experiences. Incidentally, interviews were at the center of my doctoral dissertation study.
In sum, then, Qualitative research has clear value in capturing human experience onsite/in the field, recording, coding, and analyzing that experience, and reporting it in interesting ways that enhance our understanding of the human condition. Quantitative Research Quantitative research emerged during the Scientific Revolution as a way to examine, observe, and analyze natural phenomena. Quantitative research is:
· Numeric—Data is collected in numerical form, and is analyzed using statistical means;
· Deductive—It begins with a particular point of view (hypothesis) and sets out to prove/disprove it.
· Classic—It mirrors the “Scientific Method.”
Methods used by quantitative researchers include:
· Correlations (Links to an external site.)—Examines relationships between two or more phenomena—See Type 6 in linked material (p. 3) for more information;
· Evaluations (Links to an external site.)—Seeks to make judgments about the value of particular events—See Type 8 in linked material (p. 3) for more information;
· Experiments (Links to an external site.)—Common in scientific research using group research design;
· Single-subject research (Links to an external site.) —A research design commonly used in low-incidence populations and applied research
· Meta-Analysis (Links to an external site.)—A research study of research studies—This seeks to draw a single set of conclusions through review and analysis of many similar research studies. A particularly good example for education is Hattie, 2011, Visible Learning.
· Surveys (Links to an external site.)—Probably the most common quantitative research method—Used in everything from market research to political poling.
Quantitative research analysis relies on Descriptive (Links to an external site.) and Inferential (Links to an external site.) statistical methods. In sum, then, Quantitative research has clear value in numerically and scientifically examining phenomenon that lead to ways that enhance our further understanding of the human condition.
Closing Remarks
When teachers are aware of diversity in the classroom and are culturally responsive, while incorporating 21st Century Skills into everyday curriculum, it creates a more effective and supporting learning environment for all students.
Assessment Guidance
This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling in the discussions for Week Four beyond what is given with the instructions for the assessments. If you have questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week Four, contact your instructor using the Ask Your Instructor discussion before the due date.
Discussion 1: Diversity Through 21st – Century Teaching and Learning
This discussion provides you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of 21st Century Learning as it relates to diverse student populations. In this discussion you will select three of the five prompts provided , and then discuss how the Framework for 21st century learning can be applied to each prompt using specific examples of the actions you would take to apply the framework.
Assignment: Visual Interpretation
This discussion is an opportunity for you to get creative by creating a visual representation of the different types of data collection tools that can be used in Action Research. Have fun with this assignment, get creative and use a digital tool that is new to you. This assignment is also an opportunity to work on your Week Six Assignment, you will skim your Action Research report, chosen in Week Two, for the types of data used and describe in at least one page the different types of data chosen and report out on the findings.
California State University, Long Beach. (n.d.). Data collection strategies II: Qualitative research (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.csulb.edu/~msaintg/ppa696/696quali.htm
Crothers, K. (2013). Action Research. Research Starters: Education (Online Edition). Retreived from www.ebscohost.com
Gay, G. 2003. The Importance of multicultural education. Educational Leadership, 61(4), 30-35. Genzuk, M. (1999). A synthesis of ethnographic research (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~genzuk/Ethnographic_Research.html George, J. ( 2011, May 11). Innovation through diversity. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjrjiSecZv0&feature=youtu.be Gollnick, D., & Chinn, P. (2002). Multicultural education in a pluralistic society. NJ: Pearson. Hattie, J. (2011). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses related to achievement. New York: Routledge Heffner, C. (2016). Chapter 4: Single subject design (Links to an external site.). Research Methods. FL: AllPsych. Retrieved from http://allpsych.com/researchmethods/singlesubjectdesign/ Hess, K., Carlock, D., Jones, B., & Walkup, J. (2009). What exactly do “fewer, clearer, and higher standards” really look like n the classroom? Using a cognitive rigor matrix to analyze curriculum, plan lessons, and implement assessments. Retrieved from http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/common/webinars/Cognitive%20Rigor%20Matrix%20Article_Hess,%20Carlock,%20Jones,%20and%20Walkup.pd Ismail, M. (2005). Quantitative research methodology (Links to an external site.). Scribd. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/98295/Quantitative-Research-Methodology Johnson, R., & Christiansen, L. (2007). Table 14.1: Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research (Links to an external site.). University of South Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.southalabama.edu/coe/bset/johnson/oh_master/Ch14/Tab14-01.pdf Johnson, R., & Christiansen, L. (2007.). Table 14.2: Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research (Links to an external site.). University of South Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.southalabama.edu/coe/bset/johnson/oh_master/Ch14/Tab14-02.pdf Knowledge Delivery Systems (2013, June 5). 21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMG5dvhEzyo Kozol, J. 2012. Savage inequalities: Children in America’s schools (Reprint ed.). Portland, OR: Broadway Books. Ladson-Billings, G. (2012). The dreamkeepers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lynch, M. (2011, December). What is cultural responsive pedagogy? Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matthew-lynch-edd/culturally-responsive-pedagogy_b_1147364.html Neill, J. (2006, May 10). Meta-analysis research methodology (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.wilderdom.com/research/meta-analysis.html
O’Brien, R. (1998). An overview of the methodological approach of Action Research. University of Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.web.ca/robrien/papers/arfinal.html O’Shaughnessy, K., McDonald, C., Maher, H., and Dobie, A. (2002, Fall). Who, what, when, and where of writing rituals. The Quarterly 24 (4) Oyang, R. (n.d.). Basic inquiry of quantitative research (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://ksumail.kennesaw.edu/~rouyang/ED-research/details.htm Proud to be Green. (2011, March 9). Using the scientific method while going green (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://proud2bgreen.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/year-to-year-energy-usage-comparison/ (Links to an external site.)
Reardon, S. F. (2013). “The widening income achievement gap”. Educational Leadership, (8): 10-16. Ryan, M. (2009). Making visible the coding process: Using qualitative data software in a post-structural study (Links to an external site.). Issues In Educational Research,19(2). Retrieved from http://www.iier.org.au/iier19/ryan.html Teknolojileri, B. (2013, May). 21st century skills (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwJIhZcAd0I
Trochim, W. (2006). Descriptive statistics (Links to an external site.). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved from http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/statdesc.php Trochim, W. (2006). Inferential statistics (Links to an external site.). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved from http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/statinf.php Trochim, W. (2006). Survey research (Links to an external site.). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved from http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/survey.php Valenzuela, D., & Shrivastava, P. (n.d.). Interview as a method for qualitative research (Links to an external site.) [Presentation slides]. Retrieved from http://www.public.asu.edu/~kroel/www500/Interview%20Fri.pdf Writing@CSU. (n.d.). Case studies (Links to an external site.). Colorado State University. Retrieved from http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=60
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