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Using the Reflective Process: Validating Nursing Competence… 1 answer below »

Using the Reflective Process NameNUR 445 Validating Nursing CompetenceMentor: Name and CredentialsThomas Edison State UniversityMonth, Day, YearUsing the Reflective Process Begin this page with the title of your paper on the first line. The title is identical to your title page—just copy and paste. Remember the introduction does not have a heading that says, Introduction. In this first paragraph provide a rather short description of the professional experience that you are presenting. It should be “rather short” so that you focus on the other sections that require reflection and application of the competencies! At the end of the paragraph, say: The purpose of this paper is to…To learn more about purpose statements, see: your headings on this and every paper based on the assignment guidelines/rubric.Usually in APA format you need at least two paragraphs per heading, BUT headings are included here because it is too easy for students to miss content from the rubric, and if you have no content in a given section, you earn zero points for that section. Therefore, format your paper as follows—do not change the format of the headings. See more information about headings.Responses to the Situation by Self and OthersIn this section, the rubric states you need todescribe: why you responded as described your thoughts and feelings associated with the experience how others in the situation were feeling In your paper do not number these, but include all the numbered content.Consequences of the Response to Patient, Self, and OthersIn this section, the rubric states you need to describe: what was the impact on the patient, others, and/or yourself what might have happened if you had responded differently how your response did or did not support your beliefs Knowledge in Situation and Previous ExperiencesIn this section, the rubric states you need to describe: the knowledge you had or should have had in this situation if your response was or was not related to previous experiences. Transformed LearningIn this section, the rubric states you need to explain: what you learned from the experience how this experience was transformed into learning how the experience affected or changed your responses in your practice environment how the experience affected or changed your level of competence in nursing practice. ConclusionYou do not need to say “in conclusion” because your heading says that. A short paragraph will do. To learn more about writing a great conclusion, see:, J. (n.d.). How Critical Reflection triggers Transformative Learning.Retrieved from put Mezirow here for you as an example—a good one for this paper, but remove it if you do not use it.You do need at least one reference. Remember you need an in-text citation to go with each reference and vice versa.This page is already formatted for hanging indents. Just keep typing and your references have an automatic hanging indent like this. Notice the reference page is double-spaced like the rest of your paper.

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