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The Unit Outline and the Assessment Guide for CIB1100 Communication in Business provide the full…

The Unit Outline and the Assessment Guide for CIB1100 Communication in Business provide the full requirements of the unit and both should be referred to when completing unit assessments.PRESENTATION OF WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTSIn all the written assessments for this unit, it is important that you present your work in a way that communicates a professional attitude. Below are some formatting rules that should be followed for each written assessment:• Type or word-process your assessment• Use a 12 font size• Use Arial font• Leave a margin of 2.5 cm around all four sides of the page• Use double spacing between lines• Use a Header to insert you name and student ID number at the top of the page• Number pages clearly• Keep a copy of your submitted assessmentsFor Reference List:• Formatted according the Chicago 17th Edition referencing system;• Use single space for each source entry; and• Use double space between entries.SUPPLEMENTARY AND DEFERRED FINAL EXAMS/ASSESSMENTSSupplementary Assessment / ExamA supplementary assessment may be granted to a student by the Board of Examiners in order to provide an additional opportunity for a student to pass a unit. If a student passes a supplementary assessment their total mark will not change but their grade becomes a pass grade (PX – Pass with Supplementary).Students who have qualified for a supplementary assessment will be notified by e-mail following the Board of Examiners. Supplementary assessments will be conducted in the Orientation week of the next study period unless otherwise advised by the College and students must be available to sit the assessment at the specified time otherwise the offer will be withdrawn.It is the responsibility of students to be available to complete the requirements of a supplementary assessment.A maximum of two supplementary assessments may be granted to the same student in a program.For more information please refer to the Curtin College’s Supplementary Assessment Policy which is located under Policies and Procedures on the College’s website at Final Exam (if applicable)Within two calendar days following the missed Final Exam complete the “Application for Assessment Extension Form” located on Moodle unit: Study Kiosk/Academic Forms & Documents and attach valid evidence, for example, a medical certificate/ or a letter from the counsellor, and a

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