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The System Analysis and Redesign Project focus on a cloud-based solution for a company you…

SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND REDESIGN PROJECT – PHASE 1 INSTRUCTIONSThe System Analysis and Redesign Project focus on a cloud-based solution for a company youunderstand well. The purpose of this project is to ensure that you know how to analyze an organizationand its’ associated systems in order to determine which information systems components need to beredesigned in order for the organization to operate more effectively. The project should highlight youradvanced skills in information systems, displaying your knowledge of all domains of our field.The key objective of the project is to analyze and design an existing system that is outdated and a newsystem that can function in cloud-based and/or a distributed computing architectural environments.The re-design will be based upon at least one strong and well-respected information systems and/orinformatics framework and several associated standards. The framework and associated standards(e.g. COBIT, NIST) will be used to benchmark the existing system to the new system and determine ifimprovements were made.Your project will be separated into 3 phases:Phase 1: Introduction, problem statement, feasibility study, and project planPhase 2: Methodology to compare the old and new systems and the systems analysisPhase 3: Results of comparison of the old and new systems and the systems designPhase 1 Report RequirementsThis report must contain the following elements:I. See the grading rubric for all minimums.II. Cover pageIII. Table of Contents (TOC)IV. Every section must be well supported with scholarly information systems journal articles.V. Introduction and conclusion sectionsa. You will write an introduction and conclusion to the project that is at least 500 wordsand well supported by scholarly journal articles.b. The conclusion should be the last heading and conclude the current phase and state theupcoming objectives and deliverables in the next phase.c. This should include a description of the client organization (including the organizationalunit or functions served by the system), motivation for the system (that is, why theclient organization wants the system, what problems it is encountering, whatopportunities would such a system provide), the users of the potential system, and thegeneral functionality the client wants in the system (the users and general functionalityform a statement of scope for the project and system).d. Introduce the primary goals of this particular phase, the coinciding objectives, and theoutcomesVI. Problem statementa. You must select either a business you work with or an organization you know well andhave expertise on that allows you to re-design an information system using yourknowledge.

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