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The purpose of this second self-reflective activity is to help you understand yourself better…. 1 answer below »

Purpose:The purpose of this second self-reflective activity is to help you understand yourself better.Task & Scope:Following on from the activity on team roles in class (Week 11), write a reflection considering both the roles evident in the team and your own role within the team. The written reflection to be submitted is to be a maximum of 500 words.A list of trigger questions are provided to help your reflections but these are not intended to be answered as a list of questions but points to reflect on.Trigger questions about the group as a whole:• What team roles were present in the group? How did the roles present during the activity?• What team roles were missing? Would they have been useful for this activity?• Were there disruptive behaviours present during the activity? If so, how were these behaviours addressed?• Did the group/team do better in ranking than the individuals within the team – why/why not?Trigger questions about your role:• How satisfied were you with your level and quality of participation in this activity?• What did you do well and what would you do differently?• What team task/relationship behaviours did you display? Did any of your behaviours detract from the task?• Were there behaviours displayed by others that you found difficult?• Did you feel that your suggestions were listened to by others in the group?• Why or why not? If necessary, how could you address this in the way you present your suggestions?• What have you learnt about your participation in a group/team?

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