The Final Summary Essay differs in one specific way from the Annotated Bibliography:here you will discuss the actual research content you have discovered about yourtopic. In the AB, you are evaluating the sources themselves, that is, how theircontent enabled you to refine and narrow your final thesis topic. The final essay isdue near the end of Week 8.For the Final Summary Essay, you select/ determine thearea of your research where your information is most complete. Even better, have youfound sources where the authors have presented different POVs? Now you really havesomething to discuss! Why and how did these authors differ? How did their sources[noted in footnotes and bibliography] show a similar knowledge of ‘the Literature’on this topic? Ideally, one is ready to write up one’s research when one realizesthat everything you have learned cannot possibly be adequately discussed in1750-2000 words. This may be a new experience for you, having to excludeinformation, rather than scrounging to put together enough to fulfill the word-countrequirement. Contact the Instructor for any questions on this as we get closer tothis final project.Please include this checklist after your title page. You MUSThave checked off ALL the points for a possible full points for this finalassignment.Final summary essay checklist:Title pageThis checklist, with all pointschecked by youEssay content text of approximately 1750 – 2000 words. This does notequate to page numbers, as you may have more or less footnotes per page. This isabout 6-7 double-spaced pages, with standard 1-inch margins and 12 point standardfont. Do insert page numbers.Footnotes. See How to Footnote and Bibliog in theResearch Project Conference for formattingDirect quotes should not be longer than 5lines, which must be indented, single-spaced and centered on the page, insert afootnote AFTER the quote is completed. For the most part, you should paraphrase yoursources, instead of quoting directly. The general rule of thumb for the ratio oforiginal writing to quotes is AT LEAST four lines of analysis for any line that youquote. If you are unfamiliar with the rules on when and how to cite, please consultthe information at the Effective Writing Center. Remember, as well, that you mustcite your source for any sections that are paraphrased or from which you usedspecific information. Generally speaking, unless the paragraph consists solely ofanalysis or your own opinion, you should be citing a source (or sources) at the endof the paragraph.When to footnote: (a) any direct quotation, (b) any informationthat was NEW to you, if you found it in more than one source, attribute thatinformation to the FIRST source that provided you with that information. If theinformation in more than one source was similar, but added more content, list bothsources, with the first source given first position in the footnote, (c) any sourcethat gave you an idea or inspiration, but was not a direct quote or bit ofinformation.Information footnote: You are not required to include informationfootnotes, however, if there was some interesting material that did not directlyconnect to your final thesis, but was worth passing along, find a place where youwould put a footnote number in the text, and then in the actual footnote, describewhat that information was, with a full footnote citation of author, title, etc. Or,if a source gave some contradictory but useful information that was directly relatedto your thesis, summarize this content in an information footnote, as well. It isnot required, but I hope you will take this opportunity to experiment with theInformation footnote form. Shaffer has a number of Information footnotes that youmay wish to consult on this.Final page is your BIBLIOGRAPHY page. This DOES NOTCOUNT as a text page. You will need at least 6 sources that do not include yourtext, and do include at least one scholarly secondary source article. Forformatting, see “How to Footnote and Biblio†in the Research Project Conference. Itis not necessary to annotate your sources at this stage—the bibliography should bejust a listing of sources used.Be sure that your essay includes a Thesis Statement,body paragraphs, and Conclusion. Your Essay should be written in the 3rdperson.Citations: All direct quotes from any source must be in quotation marks orindented and identified as a quotation. If you have questions on how to do this,consult the reference guide noted above. In addition, any time that you useinformation from a source, even if it is not a direct quote, you must include asource.Again, for citation formatting, see “How to Footnote and Bibliog†in theResearch Project Conference. If you have further question, consult Kate”>, of course, always ask your Instructor.Plagiarism: All work submitted must beoriginal. Thesis paragraphs and final papers may be submitted to Turnitin, an onlineplagiarism analyzer. The database includes a variety of print sources and allonline sources, as well as contributions from known “paper mills†and previouslysubmitted papers for UMUC and other universities. Multimedia presentations will bechecked via a keyword search on