The campaign (beyond the driving test) is a move towards emancipating the people concerning the top cause of accidents on the roads. This is a positive move towards foreseeing a reduction in accidents caused by motor vehicles while driving. The understanding of the message that the campaign is putting across is crucial for enhancing the change of people’s mindsets towards embracing the tactics advanced by the managers of the initiative. It is crucial that people understand how important the campaign is in enhancing their road safety tips. The analysis of the campaign enables the successful presentation of the project revealing the tactics that it is working towards emancipating the people on in a move towards achieving comprehensive road safety plans.The first tactic that people should embrace is the habit of checking the tire treads regularly (Michelin & Michelin b). They should make use of a coin with Abraham Lincoln’s body to check the treads. If they insert the coin into the threads and they do not see the head on the coin, then it means that the tires are worn out. This should be a call for the replacement of the tires since they will not be strong guarantee a strong grip on the road. The strategy will be the first initiative towards achieving automobile safety.The tire pressure is another way that will immensely enhance a reduction in road accidents (Michelin c). The pressure is what keeps the vehicles moving on the road. Therefore, one should consider purchasing a pressure gauge. After that, it should be a routine process checking the pressure of the tires whenever they are cold because at this time the temperatures are cool. This means that the tires will assume normal pressure because they will not experience unnecessary expansion of the air in those tires. Ensuring that the tires have the required level of pressure all the time will guarantee the realization of accident free rides. This is because low pressure is one of the causes of accidents on the roads especially among the driving teens since they do not pay special attention to such issues.Lastly, one should consider checking if the brake lights are working (Michelin). To achieve this, it is important to involve another person to see if the lights indicate whenever braking. If any or all the brake lights are not working, it is important to mend them immediately (Michelin a). This is because a failure to ensure that they are working properly will make it possible for one to encounter accidents especially the ones where another vehicle will knock him from behind. This is dangerous especially if one finds himself in the situation unaware since it will result in serious injuries. The understanding of the role that brake lights play while driving is a crucial step towards enhancing the achievement of objectives of the beyond the driving test campaign.Overall, the campaign on is a strong initiative that will foresee a significant reduction in the number of accidents occurring especially among the driving teens. This is because they are the most vulnerable since they do not have sufficient knowledge concerning how to protect themselves from negligence in their driving endeavors. The establishment of an understanding concerning how the driving test will help them is important because they will have some insights concerning how to reinforce safety measures to avoid massive accidents from occurring. This will reduce their vulnerability when it comes to road accidents.
ReferencesMichelin. Beyond the driving test. Retrieved from: a. Beyond the driving test. Retrieved from: b. Beyond the driving test. Retrieved from: c. Beyond the driving test. Retrieved from:
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