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Standup comedians, in order to truly be effective, must strike a real chord with their audiences… 1 answer below »

Standup comedians, in order to truly be effective, must strike a real chord with their audiences regarding issues to which we can all relate. You can trace the components of arguments through comedy bits, specifically in the punchline(s) within those bits.
It’s really easy to search up single comedy bits on any topic, by any comedian, on YouTube. So:
Step 1: Choose any hot button issue (guns, abortion, obesity, etc. just needs to be more specific than say… politics)
Step 2: Search and watch 5 different standup comedy bits regarding this one topic.
Step 3: Locate the punchline(s) within the bits.
Step 4: Determine that comedian’s stance based on the punchline, and which components of the argument are illuminated therein.
Step 5: Use the table option to create a table like mine, below, and use it to compile your information as a Reply to this post.
Step 6: Following my example, fill in the chart.Comedian/Bit/LinkRelevant Punchline(s) within BitArgument Componentex. Louis CK “Life’s not really that important” (from 2017) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
(explicit content, fair warning, haha)I don’t think human lives are really that important
It is killing babies, but women should be allowed to kill babies in order to regulate the population.Through the first punchline, he mentions something that never makes it into the conversation. We hold ourselves above animals, plants, and everything else in the world, is that really right? He’s really speaking to how ego-centric we are as a species.
The second punchline is a snowball of the first. If he establishes that humans don’t really matter as much as we think we do, then we can think more like animals, who generally leave it to the females to decide who lives or dies. In this, he is positioning females above males as having the rational thought to make these decisions, whereas males just want to spread their DNA. Females get to say “yeah, that’s enough of you.”

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