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Shark Tank Innovation Blood Sugar Level Monitor and Stabilizer Presentation

Addresses Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4:

Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data
Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice
Pose vital and relevant scientific questions to identify problems, challenges, and opportunities for the development of innovative products and services in the life sciences
Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resources

I. Presentation Format (30 points)A. Ten slides (10) 1. See the presentation content below; 10 slides do not include the end reference slides (5) 2. Slides should be creative (background, graphics, font, style) (3) 3. All information on the slides must be presented using 30-point font – including the title (2)B. Twenty minute audio accompaniment (20) 1. You must produce an accompanying audio recording that lasts between 18-20 minutes. During this 20 minutes, you will “present” the 10 slides that you crafted as if you were speaking in person to an audience. To accomplish this: On the PowerPoint toolbar > Insert > Audio > Record Audio. You should expect to spend approximately 2 minutes presenting each information slide. (18)
2. Please place all audio icons in the bottom right corner of each slide. (2)
II. Presentation Content (50 points) A. Background of the Innovation (10)1. Slide 1: Title of your innovation; name of your company or institution; your name as CEO; date (2) 2. Slide 2: Provide a summary of primary article C (4) 3. Slide 3: Describe the Eureka! moment from primary article C (4)B. Presentation of the Innovation (15)1. Slide 4: Describe your innovation based on the Eureka! moment you identified including the problem it solves (10) 2. Slide 5: Describe how your innovation can be built, produced, or achieved (5 each)C. Analyses of the Innovation (25)1. Slides 6-7: SWOT analysis: Embed chart – include 5 items for each category. (10)
2. Slide 8-9: Futuring analysis: results of applying two futuring techniques to your innovation. (10) 3. Slide 10: Conclusion – Final pitch for your innovation (5)
Note: You must present the slides as ordered above with the content specified for each slide. Deviations will result in point deductions. Also, the audio should not merely repeat what is on the slide, but rather further elaborate.
III. Presentation References (15 points)
A. Use at least 10 references – DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA (5)
B. Provide “in-text” references on each slide in small 10-point font at bottom left of slides (5)
C. Cite all references in full at end of presentation using correct APA-formatting (5) D. No references = a grade of zero for the presentation
IV. Presentation Grammar (5 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.
V. Presentation SubmissionA. Please label your presentation with your first and last name followed by Shark Tank – for example, Sharon Brown –Shark Tank
Topics: Shark Tank Innovation
Read primary article C
Guy Kawasaki’s How to Change the World (edgy presentation)
Innovation in 5 Minutes
Short Practical Steps to Developing an Innovator’s DNA (Slide Presentation):
What is Creativity and Innovation?
Innovators’ DNA Slide Presentation:
Innovators’ DNA Slide Presentation:

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