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Research methodology and methods This section is divided into two sections as shown below: (a)…

Research methodologyand methodsThis section is divided into two sections as shownbelow:
(a)Research methods.doc#_msocom_1″>[AK1]Thwwwwe chief objective of this research is to examine theknowledge energy management in Denmark region by taking the case of SiemensCompany in particular. A lot of research is already being done about energymonitoring and energy conservation in global level for multinational companies.This research has been studied with both quantitative and qualitative approach.There have been various quantitative studies done at global level in the fieldof energy monitoring and energy management. The research problem of energymonitoring and energy usage is also answered through qualitative research. Inthis medium, researchers have mostly done the secondary research to determinethe problem and to reach a conclusion. The secondary research is being done onInternet and various websites. It is important to mention that the author wouldbe careful while doing the secondary research, as not all the data and informationon Internet can be trusted. As a part of this research, only peer reviewjournals would be referred while doing the secondary research.To complete this research work a mixed method would beused. It would include a combination of primary research and secondaryresearch. The author has reviewed both primary research work and secondaryresearch work. The literature review suggests that mixed method of research isthe best method as it includes the benefits of both primary research andsecondary research. The mixed method of research that the author would usewould be similar to the research design being used by researchers in the past.
b)Population, sample size and so on.doc#_msocom_2″>[AK2]As it is mentioned above, researcher would focus onboth primary research and secondary research. The primary research would beconducted through online survey. The author would use online survey tools to develop survey. It seems pertinent to describe populationamong whom survey has to be conducted. The population here refers to set ofindividuals and personnel appearing suitable for participating in researchstudy in accordance with nature and aim of the study. In this context,population of the present study is stakeholders of the company. The stakeholderscomprises of employees, managers, suppliers, contractors and many more. It isnot possible to approach and target all stakeholders for participating insurvey process (Klemes, Smith & Kim, 2008). Thus, the process of sampleselection and defining sample size arises and decided accordingly.The sample size decided in accordance with nature ofstudy is employees and managerial personnel of the company. In other words,other stakeholders of the company are excluded and only employees andmanagerial personnel are approached and targeted. The employees that would beapproached for survey process is 20 as it is not possible to include allemployees working in the company in the survey process (Stuggins, Sharabaroff& Semikolenova, 2013).The survey questions would be mailed to differentstakeholders (Saunders, 2011). Themanagement and employees of Siemens would be the sample size. Most of thequestions of the survey would be close ended in nature. Researchers have believedthat people find it easy to answer close-ended questions as compared toopen-ended questions. They would feel easier and convenient to answer closeended questions quickly and randomly. As a part of primary research, focusgroup interview and group discussions would also be held. A team of 8 peoplewould be developed. It would include management of Siemens and industry expert.The objective of focus group interview and group discussion would be to discussthe open-ended questions. The inputs would be collected from all thestakeholders about the existing use of energy and the plan of energy monitoringand energy usage (Zikmund et al., 2012). The management of Siemens would beasked about the future plan and approach for sustainable development.The research work would also use secondary method ofresearch. The secondary research would be mainly qualitative in nature. Thesecondary research would include the study of previous researches in this area.The Internet and online library would act as great source of information forsecondary research. It is important that a balance should be created betweenprimary research and secondary research. The objective of secondary researchwould be to support the hypothesis and findings of primary research. The mixmethod of research design that includes both primary research and secondaryresearch would be time consuming. However, the risks involved in this researchmethod are very less.
References:Klemes,J., Smith, R. and Kim, J-K.(2008) Handbookof Water and Energy Management in Food Processing. England: WoodheadPublishing Limited.Saunders, M., Lewis,P. & Thornhill, A. (2009) Research methods for business students.5 ed. England: Pearson Education.Stuggins, G.,Sharabaroff, A. and Semikolenova, Y. (2013) EnergyEfficiency: Lessons Learned from Success Stories. USA: The World Bank.Zikmund, W. G.,Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. & Griffin, M. (2012) Business researchmethods. 9 ed. USA: Cengage Learning.
.doc#_msoanchor_1″>[AK1]What is the scientific basis of your work? You need to explain this withsupporting citations..doc#_msoanchor_2″>[AK2]Willyou run a pilot study to test the questionnaire? How will you analyze the data?

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