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PROJECT BRIEF FOR N1576 NEW VENTURE CREATION AND BUSINESS PLANNING1: An individual project of 3500words (100%) to be submitted as directed on your Study Direct site. This individual work will be based on each student’s perspective relating the team discussions relating to the project. Each student will have a different view of the business, in terms of market penetration, turnover, timings, financials and general assumptions, and so each student’s work will be different from every other member of their team. Each team’s work will be checked carefully to make sure that each submission is individual, and this is particularly the case in relation to the financials which will evidence the individuality of the work.2: During week 3 seminar session, each team must submit a) the project plan and b) team name, team member names, plus team leader email address. This plan will be reviewed, to form the basis for a robust business plan.It will be assumed that each team member has contributed 100%: we will be working on projects during the seminar sessions, and attendance at seminars should be noted by team leaders as this attendance contributes towards team participation. If the team feels that any member has contributed at less than 100%, then at the time of submission of the final report, the team leader should submit a document signed by at least 75% of the team that confirms which team member has not contributed, and the level at which this team member has worked. This team member will receive reduced marks corresponding to this participation.3500 word Project plan The individual project of 3,500 words should follow the format of an expanded business plan. The word count does not include the appendices. You should include the following:MAIN REPORT1) Executive Summary2) Venture Overview3) Financial Plan Overview4) Business objectives5) Source of competitive advantage6) Critical risks/threats and opportunities7) Market analysis (overview)8) Competitor Analysis (overview)9) Management Team10) Key people and advisers10) Operations plan11) Funding Request12) Exit Strategy

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