Introduction-Clear, accurate and comprehensive statements of objectives. Structure ofthe proposal has been clearly stated.2. Articles selection is excellent, very informative and demonstrates Soundunderstanding of the topic. Clear evidence of comprehension of articles bysummarizing essential content. Clear evidence of intention to integrate articles intoown argument & perspective with a logical flow.3. Hypotheses have been clearly stated. Enough theoretical justification. Fully consistentwith the research question. Demonstrates excellent understanding of hypothesisdevelopment.4. Excellent description about the data source. Excellent definition of rent seekingactivities and how they will be measured. Excellent description of sample. Excellentdefinitions of variables to be used. Excellent specification of the model.5. Concise conclusion written with logical summation of entire assignment.Recommendations made are excellent.6. References are provided in the Harvard method and are completely accurate.Well organized reference list. No spelling and/or grammatical errors Construction ofthe proposal is highly logical and easy to follow and read.