power point topic – Education in the United States vs. Education in China
For your ideas, you should discuss your four points of comparison about your topics.
Please use the attached file to complete this assignment properly.
this is due today by 8:30pm
please also watch the video links below in order to properly complete this.
also please list the work cites and make sure you are doing by this structure. below
What is an annotated works cited?
An annotated works cited is a work cited page with notes. Each entry on the works cited page should contain a summary of the entry itself.
What goes in the summary?
What is the main idea of the article or website? (1-2 sentences)
What topics are covered? (1-2 sentences)
What methods were used to discuss the topic? (if present) (1-2 sentences)
What were the results of the study? (if present) (1-2 sentences)
What implications or directions did the researchers give for furthering the research? (if present) (1-3 sentences)
What are some ideas that you have generated as a result of reading the content? (these should be ideas that the article/website does not cover or covers lightly). (2-3 sentences)
What connections can be made to other articles in your works cited list. Be sure to name the titles, dates, and authors of the articles/websites in connection. Make at least three different connections. (3-4 sentences)
How should you format the annotated works cited ?
Format the annotated works cited the same way you would format a regular MLA works cited page. However, each summary for each entry will be place with the entry. Indent the entire summary to be aligned with the hanging indent of the entry.
Now that you have watched the video about the annotated works cited page and you have seen a sample annotated works cited, create your annotated works cited for your comparison project. There should be 4 citations that you list and annotate on the works cited page. Use the summary questions above to create your annotations.