Political Economy 302: Theories and Approaches to Political Economy
-To successfully complete this course you must watch the following three videos:“Noam Chomsky on Adam Smith & the Invisible Hand”“A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey” (clips 1-5).“What Does it Mean to be a Revolutionary Today? Marxism 2009” by Slavoj Zizek. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GD69Cc20rw
Additional Course Components
General Instructions for Assignments:
-It is important that you carefully and accurately cite the sources for all information, quotations, or ideas you include in your essay that are not your own. Academic honesty is critically important. Think of all intellectual work as part of an ongoing discussion; your footnotes are the “breadcrumbs” that allow others to examine your sources, to understand how you developed your analysis, and to assess these issue for themselves.
-Ensure that you consult a style guide such as the APA Publication Manual or the MLA Style Manual for Scholarly Publishing for the proper citation formats for footnotes and in-text citations as well as complete bibliographic referencing formats.
-All written assignments must be word-processed, double-spaced, and submitted via the Assignment Drop Box on the course home page. Please use Times Roman 12-point font or an Arial 11-point font. Margins should be set to 2.5 cm (1 in.) on each side as well as top and bottom. All pages, except the title page must be numbered. The title page must include your name and student ID number, the course name and number, and date of submission.
-All written assignments must conclude with a References page comprising a bibliography of the sources of all quotations as well as any works cited, referred to, or consulted during the course of your research.
-While each assignment asks you to complete various tasks or to address specific questions, this does not mean that your essay should proceed in a “question and answer” manner. As long as the tasks outlined in the assignment instructions are covered in the course of your essay, the essay outline and structure is up to you. But whatever structure you choose, remember – your essay must begin with a clear, introductory thesis statement, follow a coherent outline, and end with a clear and logical conclusion.