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 plz watch video -do not summarize the clip, but tell us your thoughts about the concepts that are brought up in the clip-make sure to discuss

 plz watch video
-do not summarize the clip, but tell us your thoughts about the concepts that are brought up in the clip
-make sure to discuss the specific clip presented, rather than the topic in general
-Honors decorum appropriate for a public forum (e.g., adopting a respectful tone when disagreeing)
-Employs college-level spelling and grammar 
-400+ words (not including quotations from group mates and articles)
-Includes a quotation from one of the course articles. 
     the course articles are under
– Thoughtfully integrates a group mate’s ideas (not just “I agree with Jasmine…)
  ex. Just like what Jacob said…
Here is Jacob’s post
“In her Ted Talk, Dr. Linda Paradopoulos argues that the increased use of technology has been correlated to negative self image and lowered capacity to navigate social situations. I find her arguments to be compelling because she does not seem to argue from a standpoint where she is pointing out things that are intrinsically wrong with humans, but rather, she argues that the change in social dynamics from online as opposed to in-person is leading young people to doubt themselves in a way that other generations have not had to deal with before. Dr Linda states, “For identity to really work it needs to be recognized and confirmed by those around us. The problem is that, now- a-days, these is this entirely new, wider circle of people online that feed back to us and give us input on our lives without knowing who we really are.” I am glad that Dr. Linda is highlighting the importance for young people to be regulating the reach and audience of their online profiles. When we do not monitor our online network, we can end up posting things to the wrong audience without the correct context.
As a consequence of the larger, more diluted social circle, people are now finding themselves dealing with their identities in a more external way. Dr. Linda uses a great metaphor describing how, before the world wide web, we would deal with our identities by processing the feedback from our family and friends because they were the people with whom we spent so much time. With the interconnectedness of smartphone technology, however, our nation’s youth often look to online platforms to deal with issues of identify in a more external way. While I would argue that this has a positive effect on our culture because it allows people to share and listen to one another’s stories and experiences on a broader scale, I believe that there are long-run effects that will be damaging to the creativity and innovation of our nation’s youth.
On a macro level, being given diverse feed feedback in the form hundreds of characters, linkes, and emojis with the simple click of a mouse seems like the dream. And it is. Being able function in a world where minute decisions are already made to us allows us to focus on more complex issues and creates for deeper understanding. With that being said, as much as we like to paint a facade over our social capital by compartmentalising it to our smartphones, “it is in the unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate, stutter and go silent, that we reveal ourselves to one another” (Turkle 2). Furthermore, on a micro level, hearing feedback from such a wide audience is not always agreeable because, due to the anonymity of online platforms, the person processing the feedback is unable to tell if their personal morals, ethics, and goals align with the person giving them feedback. This can lead the user to be mislead towards a groupthink that they believe to be their own.   “

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