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Personal Philosophy nurse educator, essay help

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Education Paper
Instruction and Grading Rubric
200 points

Provides an introduction to guide the reader toward the writer’s organizing framework. (20 points)

2. Develops a personal philosophy of nursing education by incorporating the following elements: (60 points)

How the philosophy is guided by a selected educational theory discussed in the course. ( 30 points)
Relates one or two NLN core competencies to your personal philosophy of Nursing Education. ( 30 points)

3.Discusses the following: (80 points)

How one’ personal philosophy guides teaching and learning in the role of nurse educator.( 20 points)
How one’s personal philosophy guides one’s growth as a nurse educator. ( 20 points)
Identifies two goals to work toward while in the MSN program to establish oneself as an effective nurse educator. ( 20 points)
Provides a conclusion that summarizes the main points. (20 points)

4. Adheres to APA guidelines and the paper is free from misspellings and grammatical errors. (40 points)

The Transtheoretical Learning Model of Change
The transtheoretical model of change is an integrative model of behavior change that describes how people modify a problem behavior or acquire a positive behavior. The model focuses on the decision making process of an individual and addresses emotions, cognition, and behavior.
The stages of change are the organizing construct of the model. The model identifies change as a process. This process involves five stages: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance.
The precontemplation stage is the time when individuals are not planning to change their behavior in the foreseeable future. Contemplation is the time when individuals are anticipating changing their behavior in the next six months. It is during the preparation phase that individuals are anticipating taking action in the near future. During this stage, action-oriented behavior programs are most effective. Action is the stage during which individuals have made changes in their lifestyles in the last six months. At this time the individual is acutely aware of his/her ability to relapse into older behavior patterns. The final stage of the model is the maintenance stage during which people are engaged in the new behaviors and are more confident that they can maintain the desired behavior. The stages of change are not unidirectional; individuals do not always progress towards change. They may regress to an earlier stage of change. One example of regression is relapse. Relapse occurs when an individual moves from action or maintenance to an earlier stage of change. This is the issue with the use of diet pills or food in weight management. Transitions between the stages of change are affected by a set of variables known as the process of change. Health education is most effective if it is tailored to the stage of change in which a person is engaged.
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: WH Freeman and Company.
Bastable, S.B. (2008). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (3rd ed.) Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett..
Prochaska, J.O., DiClemente, C.C., & Norcross, J.C. (1994). Changing for good: A revolutionary six-stage program for overcoming bad habits and moving your life positively forward. New York: Avon.

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