Noah describes languages in South Africa as a hierarchy, where “English comprehension isequated with intelligence” (p. 54).
He explains: “I learned to use language like my mother did . . .It became a tool that served me my whole life” (p. 55).
He even asserts that “language, evenmore than color, defines who you are to people” (p. 56).
Do you agree with Noah’s assessmentof the importance of language?
What do his claims suggest about the power of language andthe values placed on certain languages over others?
Once you have posted your initial comments of about 250 words, return to the discussion to read all the postings of your classmates.
Choose at least two classmates and write replies of at least 150 words to each. Make sure you address them by first name and then sign your reply with your own first name.
You must cite passages from the literature to support your ideas, and you must include a Works Cited entry.No other resources are required — just the assigned reading material.
Initial response should be 150-200 words
Replies to at least two of your classmates must be 150+ words as well.
Treat the discussion forums like any other writing assignment.* Messages should be clear and concise, and ideas should be formed from the reading materials.
* I expect no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure.* Use proper English — no text-language, no IM language. Read the complete rules for Discussion Forum posting in your syllabus.
You must use the literature to support your ideas. Be sure to cite your sources using MLA citation style.
Replies to at least two of your classmates must be 150+ words:
1. Student Minze Ouyang:
As a non-native speaker, I agree with Noah on the importance of language. Through my own personal experience, language is embodied in the culture and allows people to form deeper bonds with each other’s. This is especially true for minorities, since “speaking the same languages meant that I belonged to their tribe” (p. 55). Moreover, when interacting with English as second language speakers, communicating in their native language entails respect. Rather than assuming that everyone is supposed to speak English, showing appreciation and understanding of a minority language shows that minority group that “I understand that you have a culture and identity that exists beyond me. I see you as a human being” (p.202).
To me, language not only impacts identity, but also shapes the way people think. Here is an example highlighting the difference in the underlying logics in languages: the sentence “I perform very well at school” is constructed as “me, at school, grade, very well” in Chinese. The language that one thinks can have significant impact to one’s decision making process. Similar to Noah, “even when I’m hearing other languages, they get filtered into English as I’m hearing them. My mind stores them in English” (p.153). As a result, I am often surprised by how much language has been shaping the way I think.
Works Cited
Noah, Trevor.Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. 1st ed., Spiegel & Grau, 2016.
2. Student Shannon Barthelemy:
I believe that Trevor Noah’s assertion of language is very true. Many times, a person is assumed to know or not know a language based on the color of their skin. Speaking a language can stereotype a person and can lead others to perceive them as someone they are not. This can lead to false stereotyping, or in Noah’s case, can be useful. A moment inBorn A Crimethat displays this kind of language stereotyping occurs when a young Noah is approached by a group of Zulu men, who assume Noah is white, and therefor plan to rob him. As the men close in on him, Noah turns around and speaks their language perfectly, humorously agreeing to mug someone with them. The potentially violent situation diffuses, and Noah is assumed to be of the same race and not considered white or biracial. He states that “I became a chameleon. My colordidn’tchange, but I could change your perception of my color” (p. 56). This implies that certain languages were considered more valuable in different situations and areas than others. By speaking the same language as most people around him at a given time, Noah asserts that “maybe Ididn’tlook like you, but if I spoke like you, I was you” (p. 56). Noah uses the power of language to find a way to blend his identity to those around him, which in turn proves useful in apartheid South Africa.
Works Cited
Noah, Trevor. Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. 1st ed., Spiegel & Grau, 2016.