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Listen I have added a letter by Martin Luther King, Jr. in the Module 2 folder. I want you to read this letter thoroughly and write an Analysis of…

I have added a letter by Martin Luther King, Jr. in the Module 2 folder. I want you to read this letter thoroughly and write an Analysis of this letter. I’d also like you to connect his letter/ideas/words to a current event. 
Are his words relevant to the recent happenings regarding police officers and African Americans?
Are his words relevant when you think about discrimination against members of our society who are homosexual?  
Are his words relevant with the constant harassment that women have to deal with? 
I want you to analyze the text itself but also connect it to a current event. Can we apply his words/ideas to today? Does this letter have a sense of timelessness to it?
Remember, the writer of an analysis should keep in mind the following:
*To find patterns of meaning
*To trace causes and effects
*To determine significance
Remember each of these points as you read through MLK’s words.
It may be a good idea to incorporate a source or two outside of MLK’s document to further develop the idea(s) in your paper.
Please consult the “Writing the Analytical Essay” file in the Module 2 Folder to get ideas on how to begin and structure you paper. You may also consult Chapter 13 of your textbook.
This essay should be 750-1000 words and be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Please double-space your paper as well (Standard MLA Format applies here). You may include an outside source(s) if you think it will help your reflection. If you do include a source(s), please include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper.
This assignment is due Sunday, April 15 by 11:59 p.m.

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