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Is it possible to believe in both science and Christianity? – Nursing School Essays

Unit VIII Final Project Your task is to create an argument for both sides of a debate. You are to create “notecards” that you would use in your debate. You should have three “for” notecards and three “against” notecards. Each notecard should have one statement that supports one side of the argument along with three supports from a credible source. Click here for a template of the “notecard” format. (The format looks like an outline—but the concept is that you are creating notecards for a verbal debate. This means you need to write in complete sentences, but you do not need the introduction, conclusion, and transitions of a formal paper.) Debate Topic Options: 1. Is it possible to believe in both science and Christianity? 2. Is Buddhism truly compatible with science? Research tip: Use various combinations of the keys words religion, Christianity, Buddhism, science, theology, technology, and evolution within the Academic OneFile or Academic Search Complete databases in the CSU Online Library. At least two of your sources must come from the CSU Online Library. Include a title page and a separate reference page. The title of your debate should be the question you are answering. No abstract is needed.

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