Assessment 1: Essay
You are required to write an essay that answers ONE of the following two questions:
1. In 1996 gun control was a significant political issue impacting in Australia in the wake of the Port Arthur mass shootings. Examine the historic controversy around the case study of gun control reform (Peters and Browne 2000; Chapman, Alpers, Agho and Jones 2006). Using the relevant resources within topics 1 -3, discuss what public affairs practitioners can learn about trend identification and issue pro-activity from this case study. Discuss how at least one theory of public opinion formation can help to shed light on the public response that gave impetus to the case for gun control policy change.
2. Critics of current Australian lobbying codes of conduct and registers argue that they do not go far enough in regulating lobbying because of the disparities in power relations in society and the need to ensure the that public good prevails over vested interest. Using the relevant resources within topics 1 – 3 discuss your position in relation to this statement drawing on the case studies of the alcohol industry (Miller and Harkins 2010; Mathews, Thorn and Giorgi 2013) and at least one theory of public opinion formation to argue your case.
Word limit:1,500 words (+/- 10% max)
Weighting: 30% of unit mark
Due date: Monday 6 April, 11.59 (AEST)
Submission:CloudDeakin > Assessments > Assignments > Essay
NB: Deakin late policy applies – see ‘Rights and Responsibilities as a Student’ Formatting
• Use the Harvard referencing style
• Write out the question you are answering at the top of the first page
• Write your name/student number in the document footer
• Insert page numbers
• Use 2.5 cm document margins
?• Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing
• Use 10 or 12 point font (Arial or Times Roman) Marking criteria
• Response to the question
• Essay structure and organisation*
• Evidence of research (including correct referencing)
• Depth and quality of argument; application of theory and concepts discussed in this unit
• Editing and written expression