I’m taking a Operations Management class. We’re learning about flowcharts, and how one uses them with the Theory of Constraints to find the traditional profit, and the TOC profit. Say there is a company making two products on three workstations. Demand for Product A is 90, and the demand for product B is 100. The minutes per task is as such: The way to find the bottleneck of the process is: Product Product Workstation | A B Workstation | A B | SUM W 10 20 W 10*90=900 20*100=2000 900+2000=2900 X 10 12 X 10*90=900 12*100=1200 900+1200=2100 Y 14 11 Y 14*90=1260 11*100=1100 1260+1100=2360This means station W is the bottleneck with the highest aggregate workload, with a total work time of 2,900 min. (Now comes the hard part.)In a week, each station has a set amount of time that workers can make products. 60 min/hour, 40hrs/week. 60*40 = 2400 minutes per week. Workstation | Start-time | A | B | W 2400 2400-900=1500 1500-2000= -500 X 2400 2400-900=1500 1500-1200= 300 Y 2400 2400-1260=1140 1140-1100= 40What has me so confused, is how the professor calculated the number of units the company could produce of each product. (He then went on to using it to calculate the revenue and cost before finding the profit, but that part’s been burned into my skull oh so many times I think every business person knows that formula in their sleep). All I know is that the professor used demand and minutes somehow. My question for you experts is this. How do I calculate the units produced in the traditional approach to gain maximum profit?