Case Study Purpose:The purpose of this assignment is to encourage the student to analyze pathophysiological processes and mechanisms of human disease, identify clinical signs and symptoms and diagnostic data consistent with the pathology of common health problems, and determine appropriate medical treatment and nursing care based on best practices found in the literature. This assignment emphasizes critical thinking and problem solving through the correlation of cellular and multisystem pathology with related assessment and diagnostic data, medical treatment, and nursing management.Directions:1. Identify 2 disease processes that are prevalent in the client population for which you practice.2. Develop a case study to explore concepts associated with the identified diseases.3. The case study should be 8-10 pages discussing the required components utilizing the identified disease processes.4. Include at least three current references (< 7 years old) are required. Two references must come from peer-reviewed journal articles.
5. Format a) The paper should be typed using APA format. B) APA format requires correct grammar and spelling. Please double-space your entire paper. C) Follow the Case Study Format in the order presented below.
6. The assignment should be uploaded electronically as a word document under the appropriate assignment link
Case Study Format
Title Page
Abstract page
Problem Identification and Underlining Pathophysiology (Use as the first subheading)
• In this section identify the critical problem/s in the case and discuss the underlining pathophysiology.
• Explain the physiological basis for signs, symptoms, and diagnostic test results associated with the identified disorders.
Case Synopsis (Use as the second subheading)
• In this section, provide a detailed discussion of the interrelation of the underlining pathophysiology,
diagnostic techniques, treatment, and nursing goals.
• Compare the pathologic effects of selected disease processes at the cellular and systemic levels.
• Discuss the expected compensatory mechanisms in response to the physiologic alterations of the identified disease processes.
• Discuss major variables affecting the healing process in primary tissues and organ systems.
Nursing Actions (Use as the third subheading)
• In this section, prioritized a list of nursing responses that addressed all areas of the problem.
• Apply care concepts to the management and treatment of the identified disease processes.
Reference Page
Evaluation Criteria
(RN-BSN) Clinical Prevention & Population Health
Distinguish between normal anatomy and physiology and alterations produced by disease.
Apply the interrelation of patho, diagnostic techniques, treatment and nursing goals to current nursing practice
Response to case study reflected in-depth understanding of the interrelation of the patho, diagnostic techniques, treatment and nursing goals. Responses reflected understanding of the case’s application to current nursing practice.
Compare the pathologic effects of selected disease processes at the cellular and systemic levels.
Compares and provided examples of the pathologic effects at both the cellular and systemic levels.
Demonstrate ability to prioritize list of responses that address all areas of the identified problem.
Prioritized list of responses that addressed all areas of the problem.
Discuss major variables affecting the healing process in primary tissues and organ systems.
Discussed the major variables and provided examples of how they affect the healing process in primary tissues and organ systems.
Discuss the expected compensatory mechanisms in response to the physiologic alterations.
Discussed the expected compensatory mechanisms in the response to the physiologic alterations.
Explain the physiological sign & symptoms of select disorders
Provided appropriate examples in explanation of the physiological signs, symptoms of select disorders.
Relate diagnostic test results associated with the identified disorders.
Explained the significance of each test and identified the appropriate range and how it relates to the disorder.