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How would you know who to make referrals to and how would you follow up with the referral after you make it?

Details:This assignment contains four parts, as identified and described   below. Please include four subheadings in your paper that clearly   identifies each part. In a 1,500-word paper, include the following:
Part 1: Intake

Read and review the Eliza intake document.
Assess how     you would use the Level 01 Cross-Cutting Measure (CCM-1), in     addition to what specific questions would need to be answered by the     end of the biopsychosocial assessment.

Part 2: Biopsychosocial Assessment

Review the completed biopsychosocial assessment for   Eliza.
Provide an assessment related to client symptomology     along with a DSM and ICD diagnosis based on client   assessment.
Provide the initial treatment goals and   plan.

Part 3: Treatment Planning

Determine what Level 02 Cross-Cutting Measure (CCM-2) you     would utilize in future sessions based on the information   provided.
Identify one additional assessment outside of those     provided by the APA that would measure what the future counselor is     attempting to assess based on treatment goals/plan.
Describe how you would convey the assessment findings to the     client and family.
Include how you would prioritize the     needs and formulate agreed upon outcomes, measures, and   strategies.

Part 4: Referral

Identify any possible referrals you might make and how you     might address them with your client.
How would you     know who to make referrals to and how would you follow up with the     referral after you make it?

Be sure to include three to five scholarly resources in your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to   beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for   successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer   to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This assignment assesses the following     programmatic competency: 1.6: Identify an appropriate testing     instrument, explain how to administer the test, and interpret test results.
This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.5.j. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for     prevention and intervention.
5.C.2.b. Etiology, nomenclature, treatment, referral, and     prevention of mental and emotional disorders.
5.C.2.d. Diagnostic process, including differential diagnosis and     the use of current diagnostic classification systems, including the     Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the     International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards: 
45) Match treatment activities and community resources with     prioritized client needs, in a manner consistent with the client’s     diagnosis and existing placement criteria.
52) Arrange referrals to other professionals, agencies, community     programs, or other appropriate resources to meet client needs.
55) Evaluate the outcome of the referral.
56) Initiate collaboration with referral sources.
57) Obtain and interpret all relevant screening, assessment, and     initial treatment planning information.
61) Coordinate all treatment activities with services provided to     the client by other resources.
62) Summarize the client’s background, treatment plan, recovery     progress, and problems inhibiting progress for the purpose of     assuring quality of care, gaining feedback, and planning changes in     the course of treatment.
78) Work with the client to establish realistic, achievable goals     consistent with achieving and maintaining recovery.

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