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How to Write a Scholarship Essay – nursinghomeworks

Do you have that specific college in mind that you’ve been yearning to join? Well, it takes so much work because you have to go through the application process, you have to pass the exams, find all the documents needed for the application, and thinking that you’re done, there are forms that you need to fill as well. Now, the hardest job is applying for that scholarship that everyone wants really badly. The advantage of scholarship is that it helps in covering the students’ expenses and tuition fees as well. Therefore, if you wish to apply for a scholarship, then you need to be prepared to write a scholarship essay.

A scholarship essay is a piece of writing that students send in conjunction with their scholarship application. It’s the most important aspect of your submission. This essay will either help you win or lose a scholarship opportunity. A successful scholarship essay should make your application stand out and give the committee an idea of who you are, your ambitions, and why you deserve to be awarded a scholarship.

Individual organizations that aim to promote education often offer scholarships. As a result, scholarship essays should always show how the author’s passions and values fit with the organization’s goals. Scholarship essays are often mislabeled as scholarship application letters.

What distinguishes scholarship essays from college essays? All of these styles of work have one thing in common: they should reflect you and your opinions or beliefs. However, there are a few distinguishing characteristics between the two:

Purpose – while a college essay may represent your personality, a scholarship essay must also demonstrate that you share the organization’s values and interests.

Length – most scholarship essays are under 500 words long. Longer college essays are possible (up to 650 words).

Prompt – college essay prompts are often much broader than those provided for scholarship essays. Furthermore, many colleges allow you to choose the subject, while a scholarship organization will require you to answer specific questions in your text (for example, “why do you deserve this scholarship?” is a common question).

The Outline

The following is a general outline for a scholarship essay:

A short introduction

A hook that piques the reader’s interest.

Statement of intent (why do you think you deserve a scholarship?)

The body

What has been the most difficult obstacle you’ve faced in your life?

How did you get through it?

What are your educational and/or career objectives?

What are your current educational objectives/goals?

What factors affected your decision to attend this particular college or university?

What drew you to this particular area of study?

What role would a scholarship play in helping you reach your educational objectives?

What are your long-term career objectives?

What are your plans for your degree?

What role will the scholarship play in helping you achieve your long-term career objectives?

Real-life examples to back up key points


A concise overview of the main points

Restate your argument (how the scholarship will help you reach your goals)

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