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How often do you experience severe memory loss?

Questions• For how long have you been experiencing the loss of memory?The memory loss problem appears to have affected the patient for about three years although the problem went unnoticed because it was confused with the busy schedule the patient has had for the same span of time. The patient could also not know when the memory loss condition actually began because of their busy engagements and he has been involved in activities that do not require much memorization. He might have not been interacting much with people and events and only noticed he has a problem with his memory after learning that he was unable to recognize people and friends who were one familiar.
• Did you get injured or involved in an accident?The patient might have never been involved in an accident that would be the cause of their memory loss. This is because accident-caused memory loss issues would be a sudden occurrence and noticed instantly. They might have, however, suffered an injury during their childhood which was ignored. Failure to treat such and injury could have affected the part of the brain that is responsible for memory.• How often do you experience severe memory loss?The memory loss could often be experienced when the patient is mentally engaged as they might be having a lot of issues to address. When interrupted, they might fail to recall some of the tasks they supposed to address. The loss of memory intensifies when the patient is stressed or when they lack enough sleep. The memory can also be distorted when they are angered or pressurized by others. Sometimes, the loss of memory occurs in the morning s when the bogy is not fully active to get to remember events activities and processes of the past.
Summary of viewsFrom a historical perspective, memory loss and confusion was considered a sign of the normal aging process. However, it is nowadays proven that most aged people remain alert as they continue to age although they may take longer to recall certain things. A lot of many young people experience memory lapses and this clearly indicates that there is little connection between memory loss and aging. Another misconception about aging and memory loss is that some older people experience emotional problems which can be obviously mistaken for memory loss. Sadness, worry and loneliness in the older people leaves them confused and forgetful (Bennett, 2011). As such they portray symptoms that could be confused with dementia spreading the concept of loss of memory and aging.
Treatment for memory loss is much dependent on the cause of the memory loss. Is the loss of memory is as a result of a particular medication. Medicines can be used to reverse the process. When depression is a factor, treating the depression can help restore the memory. If the memory loss is caused by a stroke, therapy can be a healing procedure. The cause of the prevailing patient condition is not clearly known although the symptoms indicate a possible Alzheimer’s disease which drug treatment can be used to heal the condition. The drugs for lowering blood pressure can be used to treat the patient (Bennett, 2011). This is the recommended treatment because it deals with the exact condition resulting in the memory loss.
ReferenceBennett, P. (2011). Abnormal and clinical psychology: An introductory textbook. McGraw-HillEducation (UK).

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