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General Psychology – PSY 181 – First Reflection PaperChoose a topic of particular interest to you… 1 answer below »

General Psychology – PSY 181 – First Reflection PaperChoose a topic of particular interest to you that can be considered from a Psychological perspective.Examples include – but are certainly not limited to:AddictionAltruismAnxietyADD / ADHDBuilding Neural BridgesBullyingCultural RelationsDepressionEating DisordersLoveMusicNeurological ProcessesOrganizational PsychologyPro-Social BehaviorFaithGriefHealth PsychologyHealingHormonal Balance / ImbalanceIntroversion / Extroversion / AmbiversionPositive PsychologyRacismSocial PsychologySports PsychologyStutteringTechnology / ElectronicsTherapeutic PracticesTraumaSelf-Regulation / DysregulationViolenceYou may choose literally any topic you are interested in that can be examined through Psychology.If you have a question about whether your chosen topic is relevant, please feel free to contact me.? Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) research paper about your topic of interest.? Identify one or more psychological perspectives through which you are investigating.(Behavioral, Biopsychology, Cognitive, Comparative, Cross-Cultural, Educational,Experimental, Forensic, Health, Personality, Psychophysics, Organizational, Social…)? Although this is a Reflection Paper, you will likely need to refer to written sources forconcepts that are new to you. Please use primary sources, include them in your paper,and cite them accordingly.Primary sources include academic books, journals, scholarly articles, research reports, etc.You may refer to articles you find online, as long as you cite them accordingly.Wikipedia is not a primary source (although it may point you toward appropriate sources).For an outline of primary sources, please see the Library of Congress link.? Review the Writing Rubric on the following page for guidelines.Grading: Papers will be evaluated on the following criteria:Organization? Introduction is engaging and sets up the thesis effectively.? Thesis is stated clearly.? Each body paragraph is unified by a focused topic sentence relevant to the thesis.? Supporting details within each paragraph are organized logically and coherently.? Conclusion is creatively drafted to provide a sense of closure.Content? Supporting details within body paragraphs are accurate, relevant, and complete.? Writer includes sufficient information to understand the personal reflection.? Personal reflection is detailed enough to understand how it relates to the topic.Purpose? Essay fulfills the purpose and requirements of the assignment.? Writer clearly demonstrates understanding of the topic.? Writer’s personal reflection is related to the topic outlined in the beginning.Writing Conventions? Sentences are free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage.? Sentence patterns are varied in length and structure.? Writer avoids repetition and wordiness.? Writer uses appropriate word choice.______________________________________________________________________________Resources: Among the resources available to you are the following:? Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) Home Page: Purdue OWL APA Page: APA YouTube Video: Library of Congress info on Primary Sources: John Bahr Writing Center on Campus

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