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Explain what is cybersecurity and why it is important for ABCT? Identify and explain at least… 1 answer below »

ObjectivesPlease refer to the Unit Profile to see how this assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes.This assignment is designed to stimulate critical thinking outside of the classroom by requiring studentsto write a formal academic report. You will need to follow the ARE process described in chapters 2 and3 of Your Business Degree 2 (prescribed textbook for COIT20249) to analyse the assessment task,research relevant information and evaluate the information you find. This information should be used towrite an academic report in which you present your findings or outcomes and make recommendationsfor future practice. Professional writing and writing reports are described in chapters 4 and 5 of YourBusiness Degree 2. This assessment task will assess your skills in critical thinking, researchinginformation, forming an opinion, academic writing, logical ordering of ideas and your ability to supportyour arguments with quotes from literature. These objectives will be measured by the ‘closeness of fit’to meeting the assessment task, assessment requirements and marking criteria.Please note that there is a wealth of material available on the Moodle Unit website that you shoulduse to help you through the process of searching for and gathering relevant information, evaluatingthat information and writing your report.General Assessment CriteriaAssessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achievethe required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. Ifnot, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills.Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks whererelevant.The report must focus on the case study scenario given in the Assessment Task section. Any assessmentitems that do not address the case study scenario may be awarded 0 (zero) marks.If you use Track Changes when writing your report you must ensure that the submitted document is thefinal and correct version of the document. That is, if your submitted report contains Track Changes orComments or any other editing marks it may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility tosubmit the final and correct version of your report.2The length of the report must be within the recommended range. If the report exceeds the maximumword count the marker will stop marking after 2750 words.Moodle auto-submits draft files that are in Moodle at the originally set deadlines. Files that are autosubmittedwill not be reverted to draft status except in extenuating circumstances (evidence required). Itis your responsibility not to leave draft assessments in Moodle at the due date and time if the files arenot ready to be submitted for marking. However, late submissions may attract penalties.Assessment TaskStudents are required to write an academic report as per the format outlined in chapter 5 of thetextbook. The report must follow the CQU APA referencing style. See the American PsychologicalAssociation (APA) abridged guide updated Term 2 2018 available from: note that the prescribed textbook uses APA referencing guidelines. See also theReferencing Style subsection below.The report is to be based on the following cybersecurity use case for office and home systems.With the recent progress of computer networks, growth of interconnected devices through Internet, cloudcomputing, big data and web services, the number of cyber threat/attack has grown exponentially.Malware attack, phishing, man-in-the middle attack, denial-of-service are some of the common types ofcyberattacks that hits businesses every day. Therefore, cybersecurity is an essential practice for thedigital age to protect systems, networks, applications, data/information and hardware from cyberattacksor unauthorised access, and to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. Thegoal is to prevent the risks to individuals and organisations such as, damage or loss of sensitive data,stolen money, theft of intellectual property, theft of personal and financial data, disruption to business.The major challenges to cybersecurity efforts are mobile connectivity, online payment, the everincreasing use of cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, remote access and third-party outsourcing.These days almost every business has a website and externally exposed systems that make it easier forthe attackers to enter the internal networks. Moreover, most smart devices (both at home and at work)are connected to the Internet which makes the system prone to attack. Hence, ensuring cybersecurity isan absolute must for every business and also for individuals. Common types of cybersecurity areapplication security, hardware security, network security, cloud security, Data Loss Prevention (DLP),Cryptography, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Identity andAccess Management (IAM), and Antivirus/anti-malware.You are a Security Consultant of a famous security consulting company that provides security consultingservices to a wide range of business, individual, education institutes and companies. Recently one of yourclients, ABC Technologies (ABCT) has contacted your organisation to prepare a document onCybersecurity as it was the recent victim of several cyberattacks.Here are the details of your client company:ABCT is an Australian technology company whose line of business ranges from different types hightechproducts which include both software and hardware. ABCT has multiple offices nationwide, andtwo overseas offices. All computer services are provided by virtual private network (VPN), which ismaintained in Canberra (the head office). ABCT allows their employees to work from home (using VPN3connections) and also have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy for their employees who workonsite. Each location also provides free wireless LAN access to visitors/guests. ABCT currently have10,000 regular customers. All their customer and product information are stored in the cloud. Becausethe company was the victim of several recent cyberattacks, they are concerned that company’s data mighthave been compromised and hackers might have gotten hold of customers’ information. They are alsoworried that they would lose the trust of their loyal customers, which could potentially result in a loss ofrevenue. So ABCT wants to improve their security system and security related policies. As a first step,they want your organisation to prepare a document on cybersecurity to train their staff on the basics ofcybersecurity. As part of that, your team leader asked you to research and write a report that shouldcover the following tasks:1. Explain what is cybersecurity and why it is important for ABCT?2. Identify and explain at least 3 security vulnerabilities in ABCT’s system (you need to considerABCT’s case as presented above). You need to justify your answer with evidence from research.3. Do some research, and find and list 5 different types of emerging threats (that might affect ABCT)and describe each of them in detail. In your discussion include what damage the attack mightcause, who is responsible for these attacks and their attack techniques.4. Do some research, analyse the information and give your recommendations (at least 3) how toprotect home and office from cyberattack

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