Task. Choose a newspaper article that discusses a nancial regulation or policy that is
implemented. Write a 1,000 word essay using the tools of economic analysis to describe and
explain some plausible causes and bene t of the regulation or policy that you and your group
More speci cally,
1) Brie y describe the nature and characteristics of the regulation or policy in the article
that you chose.
2) Talk about what problems existed in the market before it was implemented?
3) Describe some plausible cause(s) why the government (or central bank) may want to
in uence the market and explain by which means it could achieve this.
4) Overall, who is likely to bene t and who likely to be disadvantaged after it was implemented?
Marking Criteria Your essay mark will be in uenced by:
• Content: relevant to the question, sound interpretation and understanding of economic
• Clarity of argument: logical thinking, clarity and coherence.
• Fit of the theoretical analysis of the government (or central bank) intervention to the
real-world example of government (or central bank) intervention.
• Use of relevant diagrams to illustrate your arguments (if graphical illustrations are necessary).
• Evidence of reading outside of the textbook.
• Use of references: correct referencing format (any standard referencing format is ne) in
your essay and also in the bibliography/references at the end of your essay.
• Writing style: correct grammar and spelling; no long sentences and pompous words; use
of quotations, if necessary, must be prudent.
• Presentation: adherence to the guidelines described in the next paragraph.
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