ENGL 1302 Project #2: Annotated Bibliography Description An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with notations. After receiving approval of your proposed topic, you will compose a list of quality sources. You will then “describe each of the sources . . . and state what role each will play in your research.” For this assignment, you will “evaluate sources as well—to assess their strengths and weaknesses” (Lunsford et al., 500). The audience for this assignment is yourself and your instructor. Your writing task is to inform through description, summary, and evaluation. Your annotated bibliography should include a minimum of 4 quality sources (unless you have spoken with the instructor regarding availability of sources). Use the information from the OWL at Purdue and your assigned readings to learn more about annotated bibliographies. You may also refer to the OWL at Purdue for APA formatting guidelines. Objectives Develop habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, and physical wellbeing Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts Demonstrate knowledge of individual writing processes Communicate ideas and support conclusions effectively in writing Use Edited American English Prompt Find, read, and correctly cite a minimum of 4 sources. Write a summary paragraph and an evaluation paragraph about each source. End the evaluation paragraph of each of the 4 entries with a sentence or two about how the source will contribute to your argument paper. Procedures Read Everyone’s an Author by Andrea Lunsford, et al., Ch. 19-23 (especially p. 500-504) or the OER Resources for the class: Lumen Learning (p. 119-122); Krause (Ch. 6); Ohio State (Ch. 8); WikiBooks (5.6) Obtain approval for your topic from your instructor Conduct research to find quality sources (review what your instructor regards as quality sources for your topic) Cite sources correctly using APA Read and re-read sources, take notes, and consider the rhetorical situation of each source Write a summary or description paragraph of each source Write an evaluation paragraph that also explains how this source will contribute to your argument Revise, edit and proofread each sentence of each paragraph Triple check your citations and formatting! (Participate in a Peer Review if required.) Submit the finalized draft to Turnitin.com (Blackboard) ENGL 1302 Project #2: Annotated Bibliography ____________________________________ Requirements Points Comments Points Title of Project 8 Thoughtful and/or clever Captures the focus of the project Source #1 10 pt deduction for over 5 errors 23 CITATION: correct APA, DS, italics, capitalization, punctuation, hanging indent, all required information (10 pts) SUMMARY: topic, genre, scope, stance, uses 3rd person, past tense, about 50 words (5pts) EVALUATION: Current? Relevant? Audience/Authority? Purpose? about 50 words (5 pts) USE IN PAPER: What makes this source a good one for your paper? In what part of the paper might you use it? (3 pts) Source #2 10 pt deduction for over 5 errors 23 CITATION: correct APA, DS, italics, capitalization, punctuation, hanging indent, all required information (10 pts) SUMMARY: topic, genre, scope, stance, uses 3rd person, past tense, about 50 words (5pts) EVALUATION: Current? Relevant? Audience/Authority? Purpose? about 50 words (5 pts) USE IN PAPER: What makes this source a good one for your paper? In what part of the paper might you use it? (3 pts) Source #3 10 pt deduction for over 5 errors 23 CITATION: correct APA, DS, italics, capitalization, punctuation, hanging indent, all required information (10 pts) SUMMARY: topic, genre, scope, stance, uses 3rd person, past tense, about 50 words (5pts) EVALUATION: Current? Relevant? Audience/Authority? Purpose? about 50 words (5 pts) USE IN PAPER: What makes this source a good one for your paper? In what part of the paper might you use it? (3 pts) Source #4 10 pt deduction for over 5 errors 23 CITATION: correct APA, DS, italics, capitalization, punctuation, hanging indent, all required information (10 pts) SUMMARY: topic, genre, scope, stance, uses 3rd person, past tense, about 50 words (5pts) EVALUATION: Current? Relevant? Audience/Authority? Purpose? about 50 words (5 pts) USE IN PAPER: What makes this source a good one for your paper? In what part of the paper might you use it? (3 pts) Originality 50-100 pt deduction – Failure to cite sources in-text Evidence of uncited, borrowed material APA formatting of document -10 per error 1” margins, DS, TNR 12, spacing (no extra space between parag.) Cover page with title, name, school; Running head with all caps title and page number. First page of document includes title (title case, centered); Citations in alphabetical order and correctly formatted with all required information summary paragraph not indented / evaluation paragraph indented On time? YES / NO -10 per day TOTAL:
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