End of life care and how people die in the 21st century. After viewing Dr. Saul’s video “Let’s talk about dying” I would like for you to answer the following questions
Follow these instructions:This week’s discussion board will focus on end of life care and how people die in the 21st century. After viewing Dr. Saul’s video “Let’s talk about dying” I would like for you to answer the following questions:Were you shocked to find out that people do not discuss dying or what they want to be done in end-of-life- care?Do you think this dialogue is important?According to Dr. Saul, 1 in 5 individuals living in the United States will die in an intensive care unit (ICU)? In Miami, 3 in 5 individuals die in an ICU? Why do you think this is the case?Do you think hospitals and other health care providers (i.e. primary care providers and health clinics) should start a program like Dr. Saul’s Respecting Patients’ Choices to improve end-of-life care? Why or why not?After conducting research on the Internet, please post your findings in the class’ discussion board. Must cite information in APA style (6th edition).Link for the video to be watched:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkvKGafoyIY
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