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Does free speech apply to social networking sites like Facebook? Requirements for your essay Your… 1 answer below »

Does free speech apply to social networking sites like Facebook? Requirements for your essay Your brief persuasive essay must be in MLA format and two full pages. Do not write more than 600 words as this is not a research paper. You will have several writing opportunities in this course. Write a brief persuasive essay based primarily on personal opinion. Your essay must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Get organized before you begin to write. Use at least one correctly documented quote, paraphrase, or summary from one acceptable source (no more than two sources permitted) Use MLA rules for documenting your source. You must use in-text citations each time you use the words or ideas of your source in the essay. Example – (Jacoby 45). You must include your works cited list at the end of your essay (use a good citation generator as previously discussed in the citation exercise or consult purdue owl: .Example of Works Cited List Entry – Jacoby, Susan. “A First Amendment Junkie.” From Critical Thinking to Argument: A Portable Guide. SylvanBarnet and Hugo Bedau, eds.Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2017. Use your source to support your own ideas. Do not create a Frankenstein Essay by copying and pasting. Write! Check your originality report in Turnitin and make necessary corrections. You do not need a password.

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