Psychology homework help
Imagine a local company has contacted you regarding new employees from a different culture.
Choose a culture outside of those represented in your Learning Team.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, research-based presentation to help employees understand cultural differences in the expression of emotion and the interpretation of behaviors and traditions. Include the following in your presentation:
Discuss research findings on cultural differences in the expression of emotion, interpretation of behavior, and traditions
Translate the research results into everyday terms, as your audience will be people unfamiliar with psychological jargon.
Apply the research findings to your chosen culture.
Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed resources in your presentation.
Format the citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines
Cultural Differences in Traditions
Beliefs that Buddhism is a religion
Originated in India and now is in large parts of the world
Focus on different beliefs, traditions and spiritual practicing
Chinese Culture
Chopsticks placed across the bowl or on the table other wise it symbolizes death
Present and receive things with both hands
Bow when meeting rather then a hand shake
Oldest person greeted first sign of respect
Chinese tea ceremony
Bases on Harmony
Chinese culture has been established for well more than 5000 years
Year of the rabbit/The Chinese zodiac is based on a 12 year cycle with each year represented by an animal February 3, 2011 marks the start of the year the rabbit.
Red is a lucky color
Chinse customs
Traditional funerals
Traditional weddings
Traditional birth
Lion dance
China. (2017). Retrieved from
China’s traditional cultural values. (2017). Retrieved from -and -national-identity-pub-53613
Matsumoto;Juang. (2018) University of Phoenix: cultural and psychology. Retired June 22, 2018 from