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Develop a response to this question. Ensure you have answered all parts of the question completely.

Develop a response to this question. Ensure you have answered all parts of the question completely. Complete this assignment described below using complete sentences in a paragraph format, and be sure to check your spelling when complete.
The video, Chemistry of life, linked to this chapter provides an explanation of what leads to the emergent properties of water and how these properties provide conditions for living organisms to thrive. At one time, it was thought that living things could be found only where a moderate range of abiotic factors (such as temperature & pH) existed. Since the discovery of extremophiles, micro-organisms that thrive in extreme environments, our understanding of where life can exist has changed. Some extremophiles live in hot, acidic sulfur springs and some even live near the openings of deep ocean hydrothermal vents.
Based on our current knowledge of extremophiles that exist on planet Earth, what does the existence of life in such extreme environments say about the possibility of life on other planets?     Provide at least one specific example.
Respond to Others: Read the postings of your classmates and comment on at least one other student’s response. Do you agree with his/her interpretation? Why? Why not?
Discussion Board Grading Rubric:
1. Original posting: (7 points)

Posting is at least 100 words, and has proper grammar and punctuation (2 points).
Posting fully addresses the discussion board questions. (2 points)
Discussion is original and at a critical level, not just recitation of facts. (2 points)
Proper citation of references. (1 point)

2. Reply to peer discussion posts: (3 points)

Discuss one point you like/agree with, and one point you dislike/disagree with and explain why. (2 points)
Length of positing consists of approximately 100 words minimum. (1 point)

Before you submit your post, use the grading rubric to be sure you have actually met all of the requirements of discussion posts in general.
NAME:    Jason Brewer          Unit 1 Discussion
Due to the discovery and research of extremophiles on Earth, the possibility of life on other planets has increased. This is because if a basic form of life can survive and grow in an extreme condition on Earth, what is stopping life from growing on other planets that may also house an extreme environment. Seth Shostak a senior astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute talks about this idea, and how extremophiles that live at the bottom of our oceans, are living in conditions that are similar to environments on Jupiter’s moons or Europa’s ocean (American Museum of Natural History, 2012). These findings and the research that followed are huge strides in the study of extraterrestrial life and maybe enough evidence for further research into travelling to other planets to find life.
American Museum of Natural History. (2012, March 8). Extremophiles and Life Beyond Earth: AMNH. Retrieved January 15, 2020, from

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