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Develop a poster presentation utilizing the USF poster template provided below. The poster does…

B. Instructions for professional poster presentation:Develop a poster presentation utilizing the USF poster template provided below. The poster does not need to be printed unless you are selected to present the poster at a local or national meeting/conference. The poster should include the following information: Title of poster: to include your name and your faculty name. You may also include a faculty mentor or someone that significantly contributed to the ideas presented in the poster. Purpose: Background: PICOT Question Literature search strategy: graphic to show how search was limited and final inclusion of articles used. Evidence summary table Clinical recommendations- provide an overview of the literature findings, any gaps in the literature and clinical recommendations. Action plan- steps used to implement a practice change in the target setting. References will give the picot and literature table Evidence summary table Only need to work on 2 or 3 areas Do you have any proof reader (In case I decided to do and some one [proof read and make recomendation and what was the prize for that ) Also will provide the template

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