Required Resources
Read Commonsense Talent Management :
· Chapter 4: Right People: Designing Recruiting and Staffing Processes 59
· Chapter 7: Creating the Right Development Experiences 249
Chung, H., Fallick, B., & Nekarda, C. (2014, May 22). FRB: FEDS Notes: Assessing the change in labor market conditions (Links to an external site.).Federal Reserve Bank, Retrieved October 12, 2015. Retrieved from
Gould, W. I. (2010). Labor law beyond U.S. borders: does what happens outside of America stay outside of America? Stanford Law & Policy Review, (3), 401. Retrieved from
Kuddo, A. (2009, November 1). Labor laws in Eastern European and Central Asian countries: minimum norms and practices (Links to an external site.). Retrieved October 8, 2015. From-
Porter, M. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review(1), 78. Retreived from Ashford University library.
Porter, M. (2010). Porter’s Generic Strategies (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
Sollosy, M. (2013, April 1). A Contemporary examination of the Miles and Snow strategic typology through the lenses of Dynamic capabilities and ambidexterity (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
Stanton, P., Young, S., Bartram, T., & Leggat, S. G. (2010). Singing the same song: translating HRM messages across management hierarchies in Australian hospitals. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 21(4), 567-581. doi:10.1080/09585191003612075. Retrieved from Ashford University Library
Academ Lib. (2015). Miles and Snow’s Typology of Defender, Prospector, Analyzer, and Reactor (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Education Unlocked. (2013). Porter’s Generic Strategies (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Human resource management good practices (Links to an external site.). (n.d.).Civil Service Bureau. Retrieved October 8, 2015. Retrieved from
Shpak, S. (n.d.). What Is Marginal Utility Analysis? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved October 12, 2015. Retrieved from
Supplemental Material
Zaur, J., & Simmons, J. (2014). A tale of five classrooms (Links to an external site.) [Interactive module]. Ashford University, College of Education, San Diego, CA.
Employees are an important asset to any organization as they run and help the organization be productive and competitive. Therefore, hiring, recruitment and selection of the best employees should be a key element to all organizations. Having an effective process and procedure for recruiting potential employees can be one of the most beneficial aspects to an organization. There are costs involved up front in the recruitment of the right employees; it is worth it in the long run. If the organizations recruitment process is not appropriate, it could onboard the “wrong” type of employee which can cause internal issues as well as wasted time and money. Another benefit to the recruitment, selection and hiring of the right employee is to reduce the turnover rate within an organization. Therefore, organizations need to have a solid and appropriate recruitment and selection method to obtain the right employees for the right position. The EEOC or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is a federal agency that aims to ensure organizations are hiring with practices that do not discriminate against a protected class. If an organization understands what positions need to be filled and has accurate, clear job descriptions they can recruit the most fit candidate (Dessler, 2013). The job description needs to clearly set forth the duties, tasks responsibilities and specifications. This helps not only the potential candidates understand the position but for HR to accurately fill the position with the right candidate.
In today’s organization, technology plays a role in the recruitment of candidates but also training and development of employees after they are hired. For example, HR technology can help HR professionals by reducing the subjective element and helping recruiters and managers make data-backed hiring decisions (HR Technologist, 2017). Technology can be used at all the stages of employee recruitment and hiring such as sourcing, screening and the interview stage. Additionally, depending on the applicant tracking system design, it may offer the ability to store candidate records electronically which allows for safe confidential record keeping. Technology will provide HR departments and professionals a variety of tools to provide insight into “profiles and psyche of the candidate.” (HR Technologist, 2017). HR technology can provide a wealth of information about a candidate and the more information the better the selection process will be for the organization. Another example of how technology can improve the overall recruitment process is offering pre-hiring assessments which can help the organizations scrutinize a high volume of candidate resumes.
As you will learn this week, employees once again are an important element to any organization. However, recruiting and selecting the right employee benefits the long terms organizational goals and objectives.
Please watch HR Basics: Selection (Links to an external site.), which will provide an overview foundational concepts about staffing and selection.
Dessler, G. (2013). A Framework for Human Resource Management (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Gregg Learning. (2017). HR Basics: Selection. Retrieved from
HR Technologist (2017). Role of HR Technology in Recruitment. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.).
· Selected organization is based from attachment 1 and 2
Aligning Staffing Systems with Organizational Strategy
First, consider your firm’s orientation in regards to the Miles and Snows framework. How will the firm retrain, hire staff, or outsource to meet future demand? How might the processes be improved considering the strategic orientation?
Kirkpatrick’s Training Model
Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four level Evaluation Model, devised in the 1970s and a standard tool in training circles Evaluate the value and limitations of the model in practice. Find an article or webpage that offers updated information on Kirkpatrick’s model. Discuss the changes in the model since 1970. Are the improvements significant? Why or Why not? How would application of such a model improve training in your organization? What ways could you evaluate results if you were devising a training program? (Please remember that this question should be related to the company you are writing your Capstone project about.)
Using table 7.1 on pages 253 and 254 of your textbook, discuss the development methods that would add value to your Capstone organization. Which methods does your organization currently utilize? How could these methods be improved? Which methods should your organization use and why?
PAPER – 1200 words
Technology and Training Systems
Write a 1000-1200 word paper:
· Describe the results of your assessment of the technology requirements relevant to employee productivity, staffing systems, career development systems, and training systems deployed by the organization to manage and increase competency and productivity of employees.
· Propose suggestions for improving the technology requirements relevant to employee productivity, staffing systems, career development systems, and training systems deployed by the organization to manage and increase competency and productivity of employees