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Demonstrate critical thinking and knowledge of strategic purchasing issues including, but not… 1 answer below »

The aim of this unit is to examine the processes, functions and strategies required byorganisations to acquire goods, services and equipment from other organisations. The unitcovers three broad dimensions of the procurement function within organisations. Firstly, theunit familiarises you with the purchasing processes employed by organisations in both thepublic and private sectors. Secondly, the unit discusses strategic decision-making in a rangeof procurement-related issues that have a direct impact on how an organisation operates.Thirdly, the unit examines the supplier-related tasks of purchasing professionals, includingsupplier selection and management.Intended Learning OutcomesOn completion of this unit you should be able to:1. Investigate the procurement process in a range of applications including public,capital, project, retail, commodity, services and facilities procurement.2. Demonstrate critical thinking and knowledge of strategic purchasing issues including,but not limited to, outsourcing, risk management, innovation, quality control andsupply chain management.3. Apply contemporary business principles and concepts to supplier selection andmanagement.The above learning outcomes are assessed through assignments, a quiz, and the finalexamination.

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