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Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting, business and finance homework help

BUS 319
Discussion 1
“Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting” Please respond to the following:

Per the text, Adams states that ethics in government contracting requires maintaining integrity in the procurement of products and services from private contractors. From the e-Activity, select two (2) components of Subpart 3.10—Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct that interest you the most. Next, evaluate the level of necessity of these components that you have selected in maintaining an ethical government contracting system. Provide a rationale for your response.
Explain two (2) disadvantages of electronic contracting and suggest two (2) possible remedies for those disadvantages. Provide a rationale for your response.


Discussion 2
“The Acquisition Process” Please respond to the following:

Per the text, Adams states that the acquisition and procurement process is at the heart of government contracting. From the e-Activity, describe two (2) of the action steps that small businesses need to take in order to submit a contract proposal. Explain the necessity of these two (2) steps in allowing the government to determine the eligibility of prospective contractors. Provide a rationale for your response.
It is common knowledge that contractors and prospective contractors must comply with many determining criteria (Chapter 3 of the text identifies nine [9]) in order to win a government contract. Select at least two (2) of these criteria and give your opinion as to why the criteria you selected are important for government contractors to comply with. Provide a rationale for your response.


Watch the video titled “How to Get Government Contracts: Government Procurement Exposed” (1 min 57 sec). Be prepared to discuss.

Video Source: TheHeadexposed (2011, July 19). Retrieved from
Discussion 3
“Contracting Methods and Contract Types” Please respond to the following:

Per the text, Adams states that the government currently awards contracts by the use of a so-called “sealed bid” process. Take a position as to whether or not this process is fair. Include one (1) example showing the fairness or unfairness of the process in question to support your response.
From the e-Activity, compare the components of the incentive type of contract mentioned in the article that you read against the incentive contracting types referenced in Chapter 5 of your text. Expand on the difference(s) that you have found and give your opinion as to which component makes more sense.


BUS 407
Discussion 1
“Organizational Performance” Please respond to the following:

Based on the scenario, infer two potential needs that are present within the company, and then determine the best course of action to take in order to address an Organization Gap Performance (OGP).
Analyze a business scenario with which you are familiar, using the open system model. Justify your analysis with specific examples.

Discussion 2“Organizational Development (OD) and Strategy” Please respond to the following:

Appraise the importance of the OD field in terms of its benefits in increasing business performance.
Compare and contrast the internal levels of change and resistance, and then conclude which level would be the most difficult to address. Justify your rationale with specific examples.

Discussion 3
“Understanding Learning” Please respond to the following:

Analyze two (2) of the four (4) consequences of behavior, and illustrate an incidence where a combination of those two (2) would occur together.
Based on the scenario, evaluate the influence of motivation as it applies to the learning experience.

BUS 409
Discussion 1
“Compensation Systems” Please respond to the following:

Analyze the compensation professional’s goals to determine which would be the most difficult for you to realize. Discuss ways you might be able to overcome these difficulties.
Create a list of five best practices that any organization could use to leverage a compensation system for positive impact. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Discussion 2
“Sportsman Shoes” Please respond to the following:

Determine how Sportsman’s human resources practices should assess existing practices to best support their shift in competitive strategy. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Determine the kinds of challenges Sportsman will face specifically in the area of compensation and which competitive strategy will serve them best in the future. Explain your rationale.


Use the Internet to research a publicly traded company or organization headquartered in your state with a focus on its approach to base pay system (i.e., seniority versus merit pay systems). Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion 3
“Compensation Tactics” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, determine how the law you researched influences compensation strategies for all companies directly affected by the law in your state. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Some people say that unions make it more difficult for companies to attain competitive advantage. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.


Use the Internet to research laws within your state that would directly affect compensation practices. Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion 4
“Discretionary Employee Benefits” Please respond to the following:

Analyze the various codes and acts regarding discretionary employee benefits discussed in Chapter 2 and determine which code or law has had the greatest impact on the largest number of organizations. Explain your rationale.
Building on the same analysis, determine the most likely issue regarding discretionary employee benefits and a likely law that would address the issue. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Discussion 5
“Seniority versus Merit Pay” Please respond to the following:

Compare and contrast seniority (longevity) pay with merit pay. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each, including specific examples to support your response.
From the e-Activity, determine which type of pay structure would benefit the company or organization the most. Provide your rationale.


Use the Internet to research a publicly traded company or organization headquartered in your state with a focus on its approach to base pay system (i.e., seniority versus merit pay systems). Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion 6
“The Pay-for-Performance Link” Please respond to the following:

Analyze the link between well-designed performance appraisals and merit pay and make at least two (2) recommendations for improving the strength of that link across the greatest number or organizations. Provide your rationale.
Examine the limitations of merit pay programs to determine which limitation is the most difficult to overcome and suggest ways to overcome these limitations. Provide specific examples to support your response.

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