Post should be in your own words.
No outside research except content that is in the Module Week 14 and the text.
Show understanding of the reading for Week 14 and my content comments as you write your posts.
No more than 2 direct quotes per post. Direct quotations should not exceed 1.5 sentences in length.See grading rubric in right hand corner drop down gear menu.
Do not make a list. Write in paragraph form. Display understanding and in depth analysis.No direct quotations longer than 1.5 sentences.Do not repeat the questions.
Initial Post
What person or event in the chapter should be given more attention? What aspect of the person’s life or of the event should be emphasized more thoroughlyWhy is this topic important or significant in your opinion?Why do you think it should be given more attention by the text or historians? Make sure you discuss the topic and offer your analysis and explanation of the topic and defend why you picked it using evidence from the Module Week 14.
This must come from Chapter 13 Reading from the book
Brinkley, Alan. American History: A Survey. Volume I. 13th edition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009.
American History: A Survey. Volume I. 13thedition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009.
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