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Choose a photograph of a person to share with your group. The photograph should not be of you or made by you. This photograph must exist in a form outside of your computer or cell phone and it also should not be from a book. It can be in a frame, printed in a magazine […]

On the book Sofia Petrovna

write a 750-1000 word, double-spaced paper on the book, Sofia Petrovna (by Lydia Chukovskaya). When writing your papers please focus on the following three points/questions: 1. Briefly summarize the book paying particular attention to the way Sofia Petrovna changes (physically but mostly mentally/emotionally) throughout the course of the book. Make sure to use specific examples […]


Paper details:PITT Exercise 6 – Tools for Prioritizing and Communicating Please use Pareto chart(s), graph(s), and/or histogram(s) to prioritize and communicate the problem(s) identified in exercise 5. Continuous Performance Improvement 3 • Cover page (1 point) • Content: 1. Use Pareto chart(s), graph(s), and/or histogram(s) to prioritize and communicate the problem identified in PITT exercise […]

Kohlberg’s theory.

Evaluate Lawrence Kohlberg s theory in a 600 word paper. Address the following: Explain three limitations of Kohlberg’s theory. Include at least three references from professional peer-reviewed journals. cite your work using citation Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include: APA Title/Reference Pages