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Best Way to Write a Professional Resume – nursingtermpaper

Is there a job that you’re looking for and you’re probably wondering if you’re qualified? Well, sometimes you could be qualified but your resume is saying otherwise. So what you need to do is work on your resume since it’s the most important thing. When you have a great professional resume, it will set you up for success before even getting into that interview room. Below are things that you should consider and others which you should avoid. So consider the following points and you will stand out.


1.   Be Precise

Go straight to the point and avoid providing so much information. This will make it interesting to read.

2.   Apply Bullet Points Where Necessary

When you are mentioning about your previous job, outline the details in bullet form. Also, use bullet points for other concise parts.

3.   Use a Resume Template

If you want your resume to look more professional, you need to use a modern template. What really attracts people to read your resume is the layout used. Tis is often the first impression.

4.   Tailor It

Ensure that your resume is matching the specific job that you’re looking for.

5.   Provide your Personal Information

What employers want is to see your contact information in the header. This is because if they’ll need to contact you it will be easy for them. So try and make their work easier.

6.   Include a Cover Letter

What actually sells you the most is your cover letter. So if you want In addition to tailoring the resume, adding a cover letter for that specific job will definitely help you stand out.

7.   Talk about your accomplishments Instead of Responsibilities

Responsibilities of past jobs were things you were supposed to do and can be found in any job description. Instead, say how you did them.


1.   Avoid being General

When you are general when describing yourself, there won’t be a difference between you and other people. Always find a way of standing out from the rest of the interviewees.

2.   Do not provide inaccurate Information

However how small the false information provided is, it can cost you your job. So ensure that you provide correct information in your professional resume. It is always good to be honest.

3.  Avoid Spelling and Grammar Errors

These errors won’t get you anywhere except for the not interviewing pile. Edit carefully!

4.   Do not use Crazy Fonts and Bright Colors

When we say that you should stand out, it doesn’t mean you should overdo it. Just stick to Times New Roman or Cambria fonts.

5.   Do not Write More Than a Page

Depending on the country you’re in, the USA style is one page. This is because the purpose of your professional resume is to let the employers know what your achievements are. So you’re not telling them the whole story of your life.

6.   Avoid Sounding General

Using tons of keywords and phrases that everyone else does to make themselves sound more professional doesn’t describe who you really are and what you are capable of.

7.   Do not Write Irrelevant Information

What the HR office is more interested in is they want to know more about your achievements and experiences. They do not care about other things that are not work related. So keep other things away from your resume.  

Looking for a job is definitely not an easy task. Therefore, we wish you all the best in the journey of discovering what you love. Make use of the above do’s and don’ts and soon you will land that prestigious job.

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