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BB Posts- Healthcare Ethics |

Post #1: (1 page)
Read 10.1 under For Your Consideration on page 177. Follow the instructions and create an educational module to address social media policy. (You don’t have to speak to an HR healthcare manager).
Answer the questions under “Challenge Yourself” Page 292 of the text. Please the answers should be in an esaay form.
Post #2: (1 page)
Answer the questions under “Challenge Yourself” Page 292 of the text. Please the answers should be in an esaay form.
Post #3: (1 paragraph)
Reflect upon the class. Describe something that surprised you or caused you to worry. What leadership style will you employ in the future?
The book is “Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers”. You can find an ebook on vital source, This is access info to get in my account in vital source to find the ebook:

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