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Topic: International Waste Many core countries have reported massive gains in “cleaning up” their territory over the last 50 years.

Topic: International Waste Many core countries have reported massive gains in “cleaning up” their territory over the last 50 years. However, during this same time period an economic market for international waste has emerged. How does the exportation of waste to foreign (often periphery) countries, impact the public perception of sustainability and progress? What can […]

Using Pearson’s MapMaster Interactive Maps in MasteringGeography, select the map sets for South Asia, and activate the environmental issues layer…

Using Pearson’s MapMaster Interactive Maps in MasteringGeography, select the map sets for South Asia, and activate the environmental issues layer under the physical environment theme. Next, activate the agricultural regions layer under the economic theme. What patterns do you identify? What agricultural practices are subject to particular environmental problems? What possible solutions exist to mediate […]